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林林总总汇集成对过去时光的美好记忆。All this becomes a fond memory of the past.

商业投资林林总总,他也不能逐一跟踪。There are so many business ventures, he cannot keep track.

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道实话,我能战林林总总的人协作。To tell you the truth, I can cooperate with various people.

可是,该走的已经走了,行色匆匆,该来的也不曾到来,林林总总。However, the go has gone, be in a hurry to depart, the to did not come, numerous.

亚布力的山脉延绵不断,亚布力的植物林林总总。The mountains of Yabuli go on and on, with countless trees and plants spread all over.

即使我们负担不起,我们仍然继续执行那些林林总总的补贴和减免税政策。We could continue a crazy quilt of subsidies and tax breaks even though we can't afford them.

在林林总总对快乐的阐释中,这是最悠久,恒久不变的真理。Of all the millions of words written on happiness, this is the oldest and most enduring truth.

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航空业也有自己林林总总的名单,可能会对旅客有所帮助。The airline industry has come up with its own list of sorts, and it can be useful to travelers.

不仅有林林总总的欧式建筑,也有十分传统的中国古典建筑。There are buildings not only of various European styles, but also of traditional Chinese style.

因此,媒体记者每周都关注这两家期刊,以便在林林总总的新科学论文中觅取精华。As a result, journalists look to them each week for the cream of the crop of new science papers.

人的分类林林总总,就如同他们的个性一样有多种区分方式。There are many ways to categorize people and just as many ways to categorize their personalities.

刻板的“办公楼思维定势”是各种林林总总的机构的典型特征,这种组织方式抑制创新。Inside-the-building thinking is the hallmark of establishments, whose structures inhibit innovation.

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根据所适用的分割算法的不同,我们将林林总总的图像简单的分为纹理图像和非纹理图像。Non-texture images usually have simple content, and can be properly segmented by gray level threshold.

当代大学生入党动机纯与不纯,林林总总不尽相同,其原因也是多方面的。There are various reasons in contemporary college student's motive of applying for the Party Membership.

我家的阳台上种了林林总总优美的花卉,令百口人都以为心境很酣畅。The balcony of my house a variety of beautiful species of flowers, the family feel very comfortable feeling.

目前在林林总总的涂料产品中,消费者如雾里看花,水中望月。At present in the numerous coating product, in the consumer like fog looks at the flower, in the water the full moon.

林林总总的特色网店通过在客户中建立社区来接触客户。The new breed of Internet specialty retailer is reaching customers by building communities among customers, she adds.

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从社区园林,以至观鸟的好去处,林林总总,确是一个妙法子。It is a wonderful way of gaining all sorts of a place , ranging from community garden to good places of bird watching.

满嘴的原则呼吁,实则袖手旁观,把问题统统推给欠发达国家,将这些林林总总来一个巧妙搅拌,交易就这样完成了。Deals are done with a judicious blend of appeals to principle, arm-twisting and redistribution towards less wealthy nations.

它包括从短信、语音邮件和手机上的通话记录,到电话账单的离奇费用,再到电子邮件等,林林总总,不一而足。That means everything from text messages, voice mails, and calls on acellphone to mysterious charges on a phone bill to emails.