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她说她很爱面子。She said she cared a lot about face.

我以为你爱面子不爱赡养费呢。I thought you were too proud take alimony.

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爱面子,不妥协,是人生一个缺憾。Love face, do not compromise, is a regret in life.

他因爱面子而故意说那些话。He purposely made those remarks in order to save face.

不能为了爱面子就不办这件事情了。You can't drop the whole thing just to keep up appearances.

人为什么无论什么事都爱面子呢?Factitious what whatever thing is concerned about face-saving ?

父母过于爱面子的做法在他儿时一直困扰着他。His parents' obsession with keeping up appearances haunted his childhood.

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牡羊座的人非常爱面子,也很在意别人对他们的看法。Aries are very big concerns, is also very concerned about their views on others.

他知道这样做对一个海盗来说是不体面的,像汤姆这样爱面子的人,是不会干出这种事情的。He knows that would be a disgrace to a pirate, and Tom's too proud for that sort of thing.

爱面子是大多数人的习惯,他们喜欢吹嘘,享受被人崇拜。Loving face is most people's behavior, so they like to brag, they enjoy being adored by others.

比尔不肯参加球赛,因为他知道他的球艺不好,而他又爱面子。Bill would not play in the game because he knew he could not do well and he wanted to save face.

很多武术高手一般都会爱面子,不喜欢别人说自己不好,但他很乐于学习。Anyway, many martial arts masters are generally face-saving and do not like others to pick faults.

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他们重视自己另一半的相貌,与爱面子有关。They take themselves seriously the appearance of other in part, with be concerned about face-saving about.

是黑落德的骄傲、恐惧、爱面子、放纵、自私地只为自己着想,而令若翰遇难。It was his pride, his fears, his 'face', his self-indulgence and self-interest that allowed John to be murdered.

中国男人重视自己另一半的相貌,与中国人爱面子有直接关系。The reason that Chinese men emphasize their wives' appearance has something to do with their so called self-respect.

了解如何画上一个绿脸花漆在这个爱面子的思想和绘画技巧免费视频剪辑藤蔓。Learn how to paint vines on a flower with green face paint in this free video clip about face painting ideas and tips.

我很爱面子。在我的眼里没有面子很不体面,那麽不体面就是吃不开。I care for the face very much. Have no face in the my eyes very not honourable, that is not honourable is to eat not to open.

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韩国是个爱面子的国家。很多艺人都整容,甚至包括了平民百姓。Korea is a country which is concerned about face-saving . Most actors have experienced appearance surgery, even the common people.

一切都是因为金钱和政治家短期爱面子!历史自己会重演的!我们一开始就不应该在那里出现的。Its All About Money and Politicians Saving Face Short Term! Watch History Repeat Itself! We Should Never Have Been There In The First Place!

北京,爱面子的郝建国通知牛一蓓本人要带很多人到上海去参与婚礼,“那可是咱郝爷嫁闺女啊!”Beijing, AiMianZi HaoJianGuo notice of the bud I want to take a lot of people going to Shanghai participate in wedding, "that's the za hao ye marry the girl! ""