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至少现在不想。At least not now.

我不想这时候放屁。I hope I don't fart.

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我想都不想就问道。I asked unthinkingly.

我真不想起床淘宝登陆,听听试读。I don't wanna get up.

我真不想让你走。I hate to see you go.

我们不想要路。We don't want a road.

我真不想见到你哭泣。I hate to see you cry.

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嗨,我可能在家里,但我不想给我讨厌的人回电话。Hi. I am probably home.

就算你连句话也不想跟我说。I just wanna be with u.

人们都不想要武装People didn't want that.

我最不想看到的就是。is ok with me. Whatever.

我是不想把事情弄糟了。I don't wanna mess it up.

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汉译英--我不想遇不到你。I don't want to miss you.

我还以为你想要汤姆,不想和我在一块哩。I thought you wanted Tom.

我不想一辈子挖煤。I won't dig coal forever.

你可不想变得没前途。You don't want to be out.

我不想让我们有隔阂。I don't want to sunder us.

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会弄脏手的,我不想拍球。I want to bounce the ball.

我不想孤孤单单一个人走。Please don't let me alone.

那她们为什么不想买寿险呢Why wouldn't they want it?