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沉重的脚步声。A heavy footfall.

砖块是沉重的。The brick is heavy.

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他的脚感觉沉重。His feet felt heavy.

这部电影太沉重了。The movie was heavy.

然后让我的手感到沉重。Feel my hands get heavy.

是什么让他们如此沉重?What makes them so heavy?

棺椁盖板,沉重墓石。Coffin-board, heavy stone.

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我的小树林让我觉得沉重。My wood makes me feel heavy.

那扇沉重的门向内转去。The heavy door swung inwards.

然而克里斯蒂的心情很沉重。But Kristen’s heart was heavy.

听到那些话他心里很沉重。His heart filled at the words.

底下是一扇沉重的门。At the bottom was a heavy door.

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他心情沉重地回来了。He returned with a heavy heart.

那只鹅扇着沉重的翅膀飞走了。The goose flapped heavily away.

怀疑永远是拖着沉重的步伐。Doubts drag the stickiest steps.

他用力举起一座沉重的石狮子。He lifted at a heavy stone lion.

他心情沉重地回到家里。He went home with a heavy heart.

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沉重的担子把他压垮了。The heavy burden has brayed him.

你能提起这个沉重的衣箱吗?Can you lift this heavy suitcase?

儿子的去世给她的打击十分沉重。Her son's death hits her greatly.