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那不好玩。That's no fun.

死苍蝇就不好玩鸟。Dead flies are no good.

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我喜欢它只是因为好玩。I love it just for fun.

你有什么好玩的游戏呢?What games do you have?

我们这样做,只是好玩而已。We did this just for fun.

听听她那一套胡说八道也是好玩的。It's fun to hear her gabble.

比腕力很好玩。Arm wrestling is lots of fun.

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蒙大拿有什么好玩的吗?Is there anything in Montana?

爷爷总是比录像好玩。Poppa is better than a video.

卡布里岛还有什么好玩的?U caribou island and any fun?

他只不过是由于好玩而叫鸵们。He is just calling us for fun.

他们一定觉得这个程序很好玩。It must look like fun to them.

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“头晕眼花”这个词念起来很好玩。"Groggy" is a fun word to say.

打篮球?那一点儿都不好玩。Basketball? That's not any fun.

哈哈,你真好玩。不错的笑话。Haha, you are funny. Good joke.

哎,在这里跳舞真好玩!Oh, dancing here is fun indeed!

当你没好玩的游现在好玩的单机游戏戏时你问别人。You don't like the game I like.

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有时候我也会贪好玩地戴戴假发。I'd wear a wig sometimes for fun.

米隆嘎跳舞只是为了好玩。Milonga is a dance simply for fun.

那是。这滑沙多好玩。Sure. Sliding on sand must be fun.