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真心信神是无法秘而不宣的。True faith in God cannot be kept secret.

屠杀在封闭的社会里秘而不宣。But the slaughter went unreported in that closed society.

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这两个团体之间的关系常常秘而不宣。Relations between the two groups are often enveloped in secrecy.

令这个话题秘而不宣会使谁受到伤害呢?Why can't we talk about miscarriage? Who is hurt by keeping the topic taboo?

快活斯夜,秘而不宣,人渺物空,没有光明,也无向导,只有那燃烧的心事。Nor I beheld aught, Without light or guide, save that which burned in my heart.

考虑到他们一直都对这段感情秘而不宣,这次同走红毯算是前进了巨大的一步。This is a HUGE step for them since they both are so secretive about their relationship.

八年前,美国秘而不宣地将市场拱手让给中国。Eight years ago, it was shut down in a tacit admission that the US was ceding the market to China.

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根据我的经验,过度多疑或秘而不宣的创业者很少能有好的表现。In my experience, entrepreneurs who are overly paranoid or are information hoarders rarely do well.

颜色的选择自有其原因、动机和习俗,但我妈妈总是秘而不宣。There are reasons, motives, traditions behind the choice of color, but my mother keeps them secret.

他们或许担心,抱怨两性关系可能会使爱人间的关系变得更加复杂化,因此,她们通常倾向于藏于心间,秘而不宣。They might be afraid it might complicate their relationships more, so people tend to underreport it.

谷歌对其信中所阐述的苹果拒绝谷歌语音的理由的部分秘而不宣。Google kept confidential the parts of its letter describing Apple's reasons for rejecting Google Voice.

英国几十年来都对其社会问题秘而不宣,用残暴的武装纠察队掩盖问题。Britain has hidden away its social problems for decades, corralled them with a brutal picket of armed men.

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诺斯替教秘而不宣,然而,对于少数理解它的思想的人来说,它依然是灵感的源泉。Gnosticism remained a source of inspiration, however, for the few who knew of its ideas, which were kept secret.

公司作为一切秘而不宣信息的堡垒的观念正在改变。This whole notion of the company as a fortress, where all information is kept away from prying eyes, is changing.

博纳提自己本身也不知道为什么自己在探险队里的作用会被忽略,而且似乎被秘而不宣了。Bonatti himself could find no reason to why his part of the expedition was overlooked and, it seemed, hushed down.

本来是要保密,叫人大吃一惊的嘛,一个男人就没有权利对自己订婚的计划秘而不宣吗?It was supposed to be a secret and a surprise, and a man’s got a right to keep his own engagement quiet, hasn’t he?

8月10日,经过多年秘而不宣的施工,中国海军的第一艘航母进行了它的处女航。ON AUGUST 10th, after years of secretive work, the Chinese navy launched its first aircraft-carrier on its maiden voyage.

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二十年前,恰好是我的学生出生的年代,他们中绝大多数知道,至少是秘而不宣的知道当时在广场发生的事情。Most of my students knew, at least cryptically, what happened in Tiananmen Square right around the year most of them were born.

这些文献的范围和特点一直被秘而不宣,或被几乎所有那些察看过它们的人降至最低限度。The scope and character of these papers have been hushed up, or at least minimized, by nearly all those who have inspected them.

阿维兰热在他离任之前的最后一次国际足联大会上获得了荣誉主席的称号,但他的退休金国际足联却秘而不宣。The Honorary President, a title Havelange accepted from his last congress in Paris in 1998, gets a pension but FIFA won't say how much.