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送友人或自用。For friends or for oneself.

他酿啤酒自用。He brewed beer for home use.

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片冈师团长亲自用刀开路。Kataoka himself cut the jungle by sword and made a route.

自用建筑物停止自用,改为出租。The buildings with the right to self-use are changed for rent.

世界卫生组织称自用药物是不好的。The World Health Organization calls self-medication a bad idea.

宏业橡胶厂办公楼集自用和出租为一体。Hongye Rubber Factory set-occupied and rental office as a whole.

陈太太,你买这房子是投资还是自用呢?May I ask if your interest in the unit is for investment or self-use?

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专业单位可以自行设置自用的专用航标。Specialized units may act on their own to install special navigation marks.

请考虑一下,投资或自用都很值得。Think about it, whether for investment purposes or self-use it is still worthwhile.

这个称呼来自用黑墨水记录盈利用红墨水记录亏损的传统。The name comes from the tradition of recording profits in black ink and losses in red.

传统工艺古代制品,做工精细,可赠友,可自用。Traditonal article of ancient product. it is better lift for friends or can use yourself.

经海关放行的旅行自用物品,旅客应在回程时复带出境。Travel by their own customs clearance of goods, passengers should exit with return complex.

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女人!我看你爱唠叨,慕虚荣,见异思迁,天真幼稚,骄矜自用,充满幻想。Woman! , when I behold thee flippant, vain, Inconstant , childish, proud, and full of fancies.

个人自用购买少量高锰酸钾的,无须备案。Any purchase of a little potassium permanganate for individual self-use need not be put on archives.

我已加以审订并给了一个档名,以便其他的弟子们也可采用或稍加修改成为自用的法本。I revised it and gave it a file name, so other disciples may adopt of adapt for their own practices.

但兰屿地区住民自用住宅之用电费用应予免收。But the charge of electric power for the self-used houses of the residents in Lanyu shall be exempted.

阿妹深情诠释,很适合做铃声,没有一点杂质,小妞自用哦。Mei affectionate interpretation, it is suitable for ring tones, with no impurities, chick-occupied oh.

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我所有的CSGO饰品都是自用的,请不要和我交易,更别想来骗我。All the CSGO skins are for personal use, not for sell, please DO NOT trade with me, not even deceive me.

顾客到温泉会馆选择以泡双人池、过夜、交通工具以自用汽车最多。Double-tub, stay overnight and car-driving are the main choices of the hot spring accommodation customers.

圣与尔丹门前有一个青年,独自用卡宾枪射击一个骑兵连。In front of the Porte Saint-Martin, a young man, armed with a rifle, attacked alone a squadron of cavalry.