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二氧化铀,好了。Uranium oxide. Okay.

我想它被氧化了。I think it is oxidized.

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铁很容易氧化。Iron is easily oxidised.

单胺氧化抑制剂后14天。Within 14 days of MAOIs.

那红的是二氧化铀。That red is uranium oxide.

它含有二氧化铀。It has uranium oxide in it.

金铝圈表面氧化处理。Aluminum ring and oxidation.

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这个杯子没含二氧化铀。This cup has no uranium oxide.

使铜氧化变成氧化铜。Oxidize copper to copper oxide.

这样就可以防氧化了嘛。The soot can resist oxidization.

过程中或在14天的单胺氧化抑制剂。During or within 14 days of MAOIs.

no氧化是自动催化的。The NO oxidation is autocatalytic.

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采用无氧化还原退火炉。The reducing annealing furnace is _.

水是由氢与氧化合而成的。Water is composed of hydrogenoxygen.

落尘,氧化!都能够形成。Fallout, oxidation! Are able to form.

氧化亚铁,是铁的氧化物之一。Ferrous oxide , is one of iron oxide.

容易氧化的倾向时热。Tendency to oxidize readily when hot.

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水是由氢,氧化合而成的。Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

但乌桕类可可脂极易氧化酸败。But CTCBE was very easy to be oxidized.

水由氢与氧化合而成。Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.