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佩戴花环的阿波罗神。And garlanded Apollo goes.

母亲节那天,在胸前佩戴石竹花。In the chest wearing pink.

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她佩戴着一条丝绸围巾。She is wearing a silk scarf.

消防队员和警察都佩戴证章。Firemen and policemen wear badges.

不可佩戴领带、首饰或识别证吊牌。No ties, jewelry or ID Card lanyards.

他建议佩戴安全装备。He recommends wearing safety equipment.

玛丽喜欢佩戴宝石饰物。Mary loves to adorn herself with jewels.

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这款项链容易配衬及佩戴。This necklace is easy to wear and match.

没有人佩戴防护面具或保护滤布。Nobody wore a mask or protective clothing.

所有的战士都必须佩戴袖章。All the soldiers must pin their armbands on.

另镀金胸针还可以佩戴使用。Another gold-plated brooch can also wear use.

每个骑车人都应当佩戴安全帽。Every bike rider should wear a safety helmet.

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旅游团的劣谟将在胳膊上佩戴红色臂章。The tour leader will be wearing a red armband.

少先队员在校内必须佩戴红领巾。Young Pioneers must wear red scarfs in school.

在危险的活动里可以佩戴有保护作用的的眼睛护具。Wear protective eyewear during risky activities.

你看见那个佩戴刺绣的徽记的好人了吗?Do you see that woman with the embroidered badge?

他佩戴的银星奖章,是他值得骄傲的战斗历程的标志之一。Jim's Silver Star is a proud part of that legacy.

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那位将军在左胸前佩戴了一枚勋章。The general wore a decoration on his left breast.

您将来会有佩戴的意向吗?Would you like to wear jewelleries in the future?

那就是先从佩戴好红领巾开始。That is good to wear red scarf from the beginning.