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作为显示输出的总标识表记标帜。Display the total mark as an output.

这个标识表记标帜指出了我该去的地方。The sign here indicated where I should go.

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那是一小我被敬服的标识表记标帜。This is the sign of a person who is respected.

“X”标识表记标帜着线索的地点,所以仔细视察。X marks the spot for that clue, so look carefully.

测试没有表记误差,应用效果良好。The testing does not have errors, application has a good effect.

使用显微镜请务必在登记表记錄使用狀况。The users must fill the form in the notebook after using the microscope.

想看磕暌剐经典优异标识表记标帜的数字电子手表吗?Want the look of a digital watch with the cachet of a classical timepiece?

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为此,女人为了天使的缘故,在头上应该有属于权下的表记。Therefore ought the woman to have a power over her head , because of the angels.

日语用汉字和假名混和表记,假名又由汉字演变而成。Japanese is made up of Chinese characters and kana, and kana is developed from Chinese Characters.

在那一大片无人占领的土地上,人们经由过程在地面上做一些标识表记标帜来声明自己对土地的所有权。In that largely unoccupied land, the men staked a claim for themselves by placing makers in the ground.

因此,女人为着天使的缘故,应当在头上有服权柄的表记。Therefore the woman ought to have a sign of submission to authority on her head for the sake of the angels.

此凑妫稀也是广大年夜汇散掀收者战传统媒体进一步掉踪战的标识表记标帜。It's also a sign of the borderless online whistleblower's increasing estrangement from traditional media outlets.

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这标识表记标帜着澳门历史的新纪元,因为澳门的总督是由葡萄牙“进口”的,这种“进口”历时400年。This marked a new era in Macao's history because governor of Macao had been set from Portugal for the past 400 years.

总的计算方法是先用适当的百分比乘以每个标识表记标帜,然后加在一起的成果。The total is calculated by first multiplying each mark by the appropriate percentage and then adding the results together.

最终,这些小巧而灵活的战舰在1588年的英西大海战中大获全胜,标识表记标帜了英国在海上的崛起。Ultimately, these small and flexible warships in 1588 years of British west sea battle waged in Britain, the sign the rise of sea.

本文论述了日语表记法的诸问题,并大胆地提出了日本文字改革的新途径。This paper discusses the problems in Japanese written sign system and proposes a new way for the reform of Japanese writing system.

为日语学习者使用的日语词典,如果仅仅标出词语的表记法,粗浅地说明词义是不够的。In a Japanese dictionary designed for non-native speakers, we feel it is not enough just to show how a word is written and explain its meaning.

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固然此刻已经是世界上最大的生意公司之一,三菱所到的地方,仍会揭示代表开办者家族焦点理念的标识表记标帜。Though it is now one of the world's biggest trading companies, it still displays signs spelling out the founding family's core principles everywhere.

因头部被击中而有效得分时,各副审裁判应立即将分数载入电子计分器或计分表记分。Valid points scored to the head or attack by fist shall be recorded by each judge using the electronic scoring instrument or by the judges scoring sheet.

抒情手法上,则已有部分作品能以多支曲牌围绕著表记意象抒咏心事,深入阐发表记的精神意义。As for the technique to express one's emotion, some works expressed one's emotion according to the speciality of pledge, to give the pledge more profound meaning of spirit.