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一对年轻情侣拿著一盒保险套准备疯狂的翻云覆雨。A young couple with a box of condoms proceeded to do the wild thing.

在美国,我们男人都打性信息电话,我喜欢和我爱的人在床第间翻云覆雨。In america we call sex talk, "pillow talk" I love to have pillow talk with the woman I love.

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在那难免的革命中,所有被诅咒的人都将被带出,然后用那些痛苦的、在痛苦的级之间的翻云覆雨,所折磨。At certain revolutions all the damned are brought and feel by turns by bitter change of fierce extremes.

所以,打开音乐,点上蜡烛,倒上香槟,然后开始和你心爱的女人在床单上翻云覆雨。So queue the music, light the candles and pop the bubbly before hopping between the sheets with the woman you love.

浴室不仅仅是净身的地方,而且是一个接吻或翻云覆雨的地方。The shower can be not only a place to become clean but a place to start kissing or to have passionate, lustful sex.

在酒吧的众多女子之中,诺拉唯独挑上了杰瑞特,两人渡过了翻云覆雨的周末。In the bar numerous females, Norah selected outstanding Ruite only, two people have crossed the weekend which was shifty.

翻云覆雨的时代,好像只是在历史书中才能看到。总是要发现一次一次的裂痕,才懂得修复自己的心灵吧。The Times, like just kept speculating in history books to be seen. Always find a time to know repair the cracks his heart!

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软银向移动电话公司的新转型正在疾速进行。不过,它在资本市场上翻云覆雨的本领并未改变。Softbank's latest reinvention, as a mobile firm, proceeds apace. But the company's ability to churn through cash has not changed.

年轻人的爱是翻云覆雨的激情,中年人的爱是相知相惜的习惯,老年人的爱是相依相偎的信赖。Love is the word used to label the sexual excitement of the young, the habituation of the middle-aged, and the mutual dependence of the old.

她会先佯装干架,但是一旦他把她台上砧板,她就把板上的刀子和面包烤模扫到地板上,然后他们就开始翻云覆雨。She puts up a fight at first, but once he lifts her onto the butcher-block island, she sweeps knives and bread pans to the floor, and they get cookin'.

过去他们在华尔街翻云覆雨,但如今纵使有再多的金钱和律师,也无法让自己幸免于难。They were in wall street in the past shifty , but even if has again much money and lawyer nowadays, also cannot let him escape by the skin of one's teeth.

培琳对女儿说了达伟和母亲隔绝关系的事情,她庆幸女儿没有爱上这么一个翻云覆雨的人。Cultivates elim said to her daughter a da wei and the mother of the matter, she cut relations daughter didn't fall in love with such a grateful kept speculating.

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路途开始变得模糊,他会在她的房间愉快活跃的接待他们的某个贸易伙伴,而不仅仅是偶尔在床上翻云覆雨。Lines started to blur, and instead of just tumbling into bed together occasionally, he would end up swinging by her room after a visit with one of their trading partners.

国际石油市场翻云覆雨,2000年以来进入了新一轮波动期,油价大大地偏离了人们的预测值。The international oil market has been undergoing drastic fluctuations in recent years. A new round of fluctuations started in 2000, when oil prices deviated considerably from forecasts.

周末休息我们最盼望早上醒来外面淅淅沥沥的下着小雨,这样我们就赖在床上翻云覆雨,一天都懒懒的躺在床上享受爱抚。Have a rest at weekend we most looking forward to wake up in the morning to the of falling outside was light rain, so we'll be in bed kept speculating, day an idle lying in bed enjoy touch.

年轻人的爱是翻云覆雨的激情,中年人的爱是相知相惜的习惯,老年人的爱是相依相偎的信赖。Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Love is the word used to label the sexual excitement of the young, the habituation of the middle-aged, and the mutual dependence of the old.