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我知道我听起来很挑剔,其实也不至于。I know I sound a prig . I'm not.

或许是空虚的,但不至于会那么空虚吧。Empty perhaps but not as empty as that.

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再笨的鸟也不至于弄脏自已的窝。It is foolish bird that fouls its own nest.

不敢当,我的中文不至于你说的那么好。No way, My Chinese isn't as good as you say.

不过我很明白识体,不至于会纵骄,也不会苛求。I know better than to be proud and demanding.

再笨的鸟也不至于弄脏自己的窝。It is a foolish bird that fouls its own nest.

必须抓着车上的扶手才不至于倾斜和跌倒。Must hold the car armrest was not tilt and fall.

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言重啦,小甜心,我还不至于那么下流。Strong words, heart, I am not as ribald as that.

为了让我的喉咙不至于太干。It's to make sure that my throat doesn't get dry.

到目前为止,这些规定使我们还不至于上瘾。So far the rules have kept us safe from addiction.

任何的不义都是罪过,但也有不至于死的罪过。All iniquity is sin. And there is a sin unto death.

记得喝多点水才不至于虚脱。Make sure you drink plenty to save-off dehydration.

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当然,欧洲人到2040年也不至于穷到要吃草。Europeans, of course, won't be eating grass in 2040.

虽不至于变成妄想狂,也容易变得敏感。It is easy to become sensitive, not to say paranoid.

我不至于可笑到相信你所谓的金钱万能的说法。I am wiser than to believe what you call money talks.

我原来以为他不至于会这么冷酷无情。I did not think Charles would have been so unfeeling.

她不至于不来上学。She wouldn't go so far as to refuse to attend school.

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苔丝狄蒙娜要是您这样说,我希望您不至于把我杀死。Desdemona. If you say so, I hope you will not kill me.

当我死时,才不至于发现我白活了一场。When I had come to die, discover that I had not lived.

正是重力使我们不至于从地球上抛出去。It is gravity that keeps us from falling off the earth.