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我们也得挣钱养家。We have to earn our bread.

你通过写博客挣钱吗?Do you make money blogging?

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他们忙于挣钱。They busied themselves at making money.

麦当劳店的消费者怎样挣钱?How did McDonald's customers make money?

热衷的事情就是不断地挣钱。He hankers after making money ceaselessly.

一个使他感兴趣的事件根本那是多挣钱。The only thing these interests he is cash.

这家有两个人挣钱。There are two wage- earners in the family.

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霍克伍德在和平时期是如何挣钱的?。How did Hawkwood make money in times of peace?

你知道汤姆吧?他挣钱可有门道了。You know Tom? He has the means of making money.

最近我又换了个挣钱多的地方。Recently I've just changed to a better-paid job.

最后,当我15岁时,我开始依靠唱歌挣钱。Finally, when I was 15, I made money from singing.

在挣钱方面,张先生可有门道了。Mr Zhang has always had the means of making money.

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大学生应比非大学生挣钱多?Should grad student be paid higher than non-grads?

女性挣钱越多家务活干得越少。Big paycheck means less housework for married women.

换句话说,许多人宁愿挣钱而舍掉道德。In other words, some of them prefer money to morals.

海员们挣钱不多,但他们确实能见世面。Sailors do not earn much money but they do see life.

技术工通常比非技术工挣钱多。Skilled people usually earn more than the unskilled.

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你第一次挣钱补贴家用是什么时候?When did you first make money to support the family?

所以我可以带人攀岩挣钱了。so I can start getting paid to take people climbing.

她做了许多兼职工作来挣钱交学费。She did many part-time jobs to pay for her education.