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守夜人叫偶放宽心。Relax, said the night man.

守夜人叫本人放宽心。Relax , said the night man.

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守夜人叫我放宽心。"Relax" , said thee night man.

我们终于可以稍微放宽心一点了。We can finally relax for a bit.

闭上眼,放宽心,随它去吧。Close your eyes. clear your heart. let it go.

放宽心的丢掉这些东西吧。Feel comfortable getting rid of these things.

那么为什么要放宽对体重和纹身的规定呢?So why relax the rules on weight and body art?

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所以时至今日,农场已放宽了某些规定。So, nowadays kibbutzim have loosened the rule.

放宽后的贾家人听到这个消息。The Jia family relaxed after hearing the news.

涐尝试过去改,试着去把心放宽。I attempt change, try to go the heart relaxation.

美股上扬,中国放宽货币政策Stocks extend gains as China eases currency policy

现在鼓室成形术的适应症已放宽。The indication for tympanoplasty has become broad.

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加入放宽高度限制的条文。To incorporate a relaxation clause on BH restrictions.

能力优秀者学历条件可适当放宽。Outstanding ability that can be secondary qualifications.

但罗迪•克拉克却要求边境工作人员放宽对所有人的边检。But, she claimed, Mr Clark had allowed staff to go further.

我国将放宽中小城市和小城镇户籍限制。China to relax "hukou" restrictions in small cities, towns.

你的衣服的腰身需要放宽几英寸。Your dress needs to be let out several inches at the waist.

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英国律师们希望放宽“了解你的客户”制度。British lawyers want the "know-your-customer" rules relaxed.

决策者确实放宽政策是重大利好。Chances are good that policymakers will indeed relax policy.

对于英国和意大利来说,放宽财政的余地很小。In Britain and Italy there is little room for fiscal easing.