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你魔鬼的邪恶的信使。Foul pre-currer of the fiend.

中英双语。杀死信使。ChrisRock. Kill. The. Messenger.

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工行信使的余额变更是免费的?。SMS service for creditcard is free!

但见这正直的汉子一路尾随上帝的信使。And the just man trailed God's messenger.

钙是一种普遍存在的第二信使。Calcium is a ubiquitous second messenger.

上帝和他的信使一定都近视了吧。God is nearsighted and so is his messenger.

驿马信使在十日之内就能把信送到。Pony Express rider could do it in ten days.

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责任的信使是不会偷懒的。The messenger of duty however was not idle.

我厌倦了做传递怨念的信使。I'm tired of being the bearer of bad grudges.

但他通过特别信使把他的礼物送过来了。But he sent his gift over by special messenger.

没有信使核糖核酸,也就产生不了蛋白质。Without messenger RNA, no protein was produced.

那些信使说着,并把竹篮放下。Themessengers said, as they put the baskets down.

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回复那姑娘的信使他花了许多时间。The answer to the girl's letter cost him much time.

申请这个工作的求职信使我们应接不暇。We have been deluged with applications for the job.

他让信使把稿件送到新闻检查官办公室。He sent the draft to the censor 's office by a runner.

信使完成了第三次飞越在2009年9月29日。MESSENGER completed its third flyby on Sept. 29, 2009.

神经鞘磷脂作为第二信使也参与此过程。SM may be a second messenger involved in this process.

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亲爱的,我是只飞来飞去信使鸟,为的就是完成这些。I'm a bird of passage, dah-ling, just flitting through.

已登记的信使我试着你QQ上的朋友。Already I tried to register you as friend on QQ messanger.

当时法国仍然依靠信使来传递重要信息。France still relied on couriers to deliver vital information.