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另一件则是德拉的秀发。The other was Dellas hair.

她的秀发是她的无尚荣耀。Her hair is her crowning glory.

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吾爱欢欣舞秀发。My love dances in my beautiful hair.

风好,吹乱了我的秀发,吹落了你的假发。Good wind, blows my hair, blew your wig.

她的满头秀发随风飘曳。Her beautiful hair is flowing in the wind.

她们的秀发垂至腰际。They has gorgeous hair down to their waist.

她是全校最漂亮的姑娘,留着一头棕色的秀发。She had a great big head of curly brown hair.

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我喜欢抚著妳的秀发吻著妳的脸。I love fondling your hair and kissing your face.

她长长的秀发在脑后梳成一个马尾。Her long, fine hair was swept back in a ponytail.

洗发护发同步进行,经常使用秀发柔润更光滑。Frequent usage will have smoother and shinier hair.

时光修护秀发修护精华液。Pantene . Clinicare Hair Time Renewal Hair Essence.

后来,瑞秋发现邦尼一头秀发,原来她早开始留长发了。Later, Rachel finds out Bonnie now has plenty of hair.

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乌黑的秀发卷绕着埃伦小巧的、小精灵似的耳朵。Ellen\'s raven hair curling around her tiny, elfin ears.

略施胭脂粉黛,涂抹好指甲油,卷起你的秀发。Put your make-up on. Get your nails done. Curl your hair.

不过她们可以为拥有一头健康的秀发做许多事。But there are things that they can do to have healthy hair.

她有着纤细的腰与一头完美的秀发。And has a very tiny waist and long hair that's always perfect.

身为影后的她,平日又是如何打理宝贝秀发的?As her after the shadow, ferial how be to do baby show to send?

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一头浓密闪亮的秀发卷起层层红棕色的波浪。Her long hair shines, thick, heaving in waves of red and brown.

男人抚摩着她的秀发,说她一定会喜欢他所在的城市的。He smoothes her hair and tells her she is going to love his city.

非凡柔顺的秀发,就此开启水润亮泽新纪元,令旁人艳羡不已。Especially the hair smooth, open water, make new shine others envy.