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今天真是什么都不顺心。Today just isn't my day.

我们大家都有过事事不顺心的日子。We all have had bad days.

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我觉得不太顺心。I donwoult feel very well.

她说我日子过得很不顺心。She said I was living badly.

她当护士很不顺心。As a nurse, she got frustrated.

当一切不顺心时你会打电话给妈妈吗?Call up momma when all else fails?

祝一切顺心如意!Wishes all satisfactorily pleasant!

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哦,是啊,没有甚么不顺心的事变发生在我身上。Oh, yes, not a thing to go against me.

大展宏图!事事顺心!Grand plans! Everything about it feels!

感情的失败,工作的不顺心。Emotive fails, of the job not satisfactory.

因为我能让事事顺心直到清晨。I can tell that your tired of being lonley.

希望你的学习顺心如意。I hope everything goes on well with your study.

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圣诞快乐,也祝你新年里万事顺心、事事如意。Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.

事业有成,事事顺心,万事如意!All the best for our career! Everything go smooth!

的确,现在一切不顺心的事都小心瞒著詹姆士。Indeed, anything untoward was now kept from James.

“吉力”机械保证让用户买得放心、用得顺心。Jili Machinery is bound to make customers satisfied.

最后,祝大家工作顺心如意,身体健康!Finally, I wish you all best and have a good healthy!

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工作顺心,八八发家!早日找到幸福!Work your heart, As soon as possible to find happiness!

今年我很幸运,大多数事情都做得顺心如意。I've been fortunate this year to get most things my way.

今年我很幸运,大多数事情都做得顺心如意。I’ve been fortunate this year to get most things my way.