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猴群与鹿群流连忘返。Haunted by monkeys and by deer.

梦想萦绕身边流连忘返。Dreams lingered by my side long.

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昨晚我在迪安和德鲁卡的食品杂货店流连忘返。I got carried away in Dean & DeLuca last night.

杭州西湖使游客流连忘返。The West Lake in Hangchow is a magnet for visitors.

他们的街舞让大家流连忘返。They are dancers, their street dance impressed us deeply.

当我们来到海边,那蔚蓝的海洋会让我们流连忘返。When we come to the beach, blue sea that makes us linger.

当我们来到海边,那湛蓝的海洋会让我们流连忘返。When we come to the beach, azure sea that makes us linger.

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精神与物质的收获,让钓鱼人流连忘返。Spiritual and material gain, so that people forget fishing.

他是个夜游神,常在夜总会流连忘返。He is a nighthawk, always hanging around in the night clubs.

舒适的家居环境,怎能不令您流连忘返?!Corfort of the home setting, Will sure make you want to return.

天真的笑脸好似花儿,引得蝴蝶流连忘返!The smiling faces of naive like flowers attract butterflies away!

真正做到老板放心赢利,玩家开心畅玩,流连忘返。Truly the boss assured profit, smooth players happy to play away.

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既能弥漫的让人流连忘返,又能氤氲着使人自我陶醉。Both diffuse hard to forget, but also dense with people narcissism.

在布鲁日或阿姆斯特丹、威尼斯或维也纳这样的城市中流连忘返是一件乐事。It's wonderful to be lost in Bruges or Amsterdam, Venice or Vienna.

在布鲁日或阿姆斯特丹、威尼斯或维也纳这样的城市中流连忘返是一件乐事。It’s wonderful to be lost in Bruges or Amsterdam, Venice or Vienna.

我们希望而且相信,上海会使每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”,给每一位旅游者留下了美好的回忆。A nice memory of the city will linger in the heart of every tourist.

恩,我下班后去的,它真让我流连忘返。Yeah, I visited there after work.It really lets me forget to return.

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那么就让我说再见吧!迷人的克雷吉山坡我常常对你流连忘返。Then fare you well, sweet Cragie Hills, where often times I´ve roved.

面积2723平方千米,她的一园一景都令人流连忘返。An area of 2723 square km and a garden she has an enviable mix of a King.

那个年轻人被这夜景所吸引而流连忘返。The young man who is enchanted by the night scene does not want to go home.