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来到你的内室几分宁静。Come into your room silently.

现在就进入你内室。Into Your chambers right now.

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有人预先埋伏在内室里。And there were liers in wait abiding in the chamber.

有人预先埋伏在妇人的内室里。Now she had men lying in ambush in an inner chamber.

你妻子在你的内室,好象多结果子的葡萄树。Your wife will be like a fruitful vine in your home.

组织病理学检查显示为髓内室管膜瘤。Histolopathological examination revealed an intramedullary ependymoma.

在他们的地上,以及王宫的内室,青蛙多多滋生。Their land brought forth frogs in abundance, in the chambers of their kings.

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火箱,燃烧室一种燃料在里面燃烧的内室,例如蒸汽机车的燃烧室。A chamber, such as the furnace of a steam locomotive, in which fuel is burned.

在他们的地上,以及王宫的内室,青蛙多多滋生。Their land teemed with frogs, which went up into the bedrooms of their rulers.

他认真地查看屋子的内室,停下来细查一些信件。He cautiously checks out the interior of the house, pausing to sift through some mail.

天使走进内室,拿出那双银手给国王看。The angel went into the other room, brought back the silver hands, and showed them to him.

拔示巴进入内室见王,王甚老迈,书念的童女亚比煞正伺候王。So Bathsheba went to see the aged king in his room, where Abishag the Shunammite was attending him.

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那年轻姑娘此时正在她的内室里。The young girl herself generally passed her time in the chamber at the farther end of her apartments.

没有谁的眼睛会看到他,尽是要除掉那一双始终警觉的眼睛——那人已经看到过他在内室中用血淋淋的鞭子捆打自己了。No eye could see him, save that ever-wakeful one which had seen him in his closet, wielding the bloody scourge.

易趣,,内室便宜货,以及其他一系列的购物网址能够让你买到很多实用的好东西。Ebay,, bens bargains, and an array of other frugal shopping sites give you the ability to find great deals.

房子的西边和内室相连,先母曾经来过一次。The shed was formerly connected on its western side to the inner chambers. My mother sometimes would come over here.

Whitepod位于瑞士的阿尔卑斯山的腹地,冰屋的内室充满了创造力,燃木壁橱,豪华的床铺,完备的浴室一应俱全。Located in the heart of the Swiss Alps, Igloo inspired pods include wood burning fireplaces , luxury beds , and full bathrooms.

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刚才从内室出来之前要礼佛的时候,在佛前看到两朵很美的牡丹花,礼佛完毕之后就坐了下来。Before I came out here, I saw two peonies in front of the Buddha statue They were beautiful After I finished bowing, I sat down.

它无内室,成千上万的半浮雕刻着大乘佛教的经文,尤其描述了佛陀的生活。It has no interior. Thousands of bas- reliefs illustrate the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures, particularly the lives of the Buddha.

冷桑内室精洗剂是一款高效中性的汽车内室清洗剂。Cold Sauna Chamber Refinement shampoo is a kind of shampoos of high-effective media quality which are used in the car indoor rooms.