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收集你的玩具。Gather your playthings.

我去收集柴火。I'll go gather firewood.

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他喜欢收集兰花么?Is he collecting orchids?

我在收集明信片。I am collecting postcards.

为什么要收集电影海报?Why collect movie posters?

我喜欢收集古玩。I like to collect antiques.

现在共收集了226个球形玻璃器。and now I have 226 of them.

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高尔夫球手,赌徒,汽车收集狂人。Golfer, gambler, car-pooler.

赶快去收集皮草吧。Go wild and get leathered up.

收集分析125例NEC的临床资料。We analyzed 125 cases of NEC.

开始收集平版画!Lithograph Collection Started!

收集到一大票道具。Collect a large number of items.

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收集邮票是我的例行公事。Collecting stamps is my routine.

他收集了一捆树枝。He collected a bundle of sticks.

他收集有关幽浮的资料。He collects information on UFOs.

苹果公司如何收集定位信息?How is Apple collecting geodata?

我整个一生都在收集他们。I’ve collected them all my life.

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统计处收集包含41个片断。SD collection contains 41 clips.

他拼命收集资料。Feverishly he collected his data.

我们收集枯枝生火。Gathering sticks, we made a fire.