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二十他钟后才能安排您入座。We can seat you in twenty minutes.

尚未入座者请等待下一场。All those unseated will await the next show.

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等他赶到餐厅时,面试官和其他应聘者都已入座。Officials and fellow candidates already were seated.

数番雨势随风去,一片秋光入座来。Number of rain with the wind to fan, one seat to Autumn.

入座时不要挡住北面哈那上挂着的佛像。Table when don't block north had hung on the figure of Buddha.

请入座,我帮您把外套用衣套罩上。Please sit down. Shall I put on the cover to protect your coat?

座位有限,敬请回复留座并凭邀请卡入座,一柬仅限两人。Please rsvp to reserve seats. One invitation for two persons only.

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对不起,现在餐厅已坐满,20分钟候我们可以安排您入座。I'm sorry, the restaurant is full now. We can seat you in 20 minutes.

入席时,如果是熟悉的客人,可自由入座。Whentakes a seat, if is the familiar visitor, but freely takes a seat.

座位有限,敬请回复留座并凭邀请卡入座,一柬仅限两人。Please rsvp to reserve your seats. One invitation for two persons only.

凭票入座。座位有限。请及早预订。Advance registration and ticket purchase are required. Seats are limited.

散装固体流量问题拱架,桥接,大鼠入座Funnelling。Flow Problem of Bulk Solids are Arching, Bridging, Rat-holing & Funnelling.

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如果你对某个服务员比较满意的话,那就要求入座他/她的服务区域吧。If you find a waiter you like, always ask to be seated in his or her section.

包括抵制公交车运动以及在南方展开便餐馆入座运动。That included the bus boycotts and the lunch counter sit-ins across the south.

她视力不好,只看得清大号字,入座后点菜的任务就自然落到我头上。After we sat down, I had to read the menu. Her eyes could only read large print.

怪物尽一个怪物所能礼貌的接待了猫,并请他入座。The Ogre received Puss as civilly as an ogre could do and asked him to sit down.

为了使飞机在起飞时保持配载平衡,请您按指定的座位入座。Please take your assigned seat, for the plane must keep balance when it takes off.

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他们同李先生、杨先生和另外一位中国人互相致意后入座。After exchanging greetings with Mr Li, Mr Yang and another Chinese, they take seats.

请入座,老寷管家为您播放短片,介绍顾问团队真心情怀。Please sit down, the old housekeeper broadcast video for you, introduce sincere team.

微笑服务,协助客人入座,挂外套或背包,并作自我介绍。Greet guests with smile offer assistance with coats, bags etc. , and introduce yourself.