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吃得太快会腹内胀气。You get wind when you eat too quickly.

去鳞,切开鱼腹,除去腹内物。Cut off the scales and cut open the stomach.

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我不会盼望妊娠早日过去,而是会珍惜怀孕的每一刻,并仔细体会腹内奇迹的成长,因为这是我一生中唯一一次帮助上帝创造奇迹的机会。growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.

过圣诞节时,我们在鸡腹内塞面包加各种调料。For Christmas, we stuff the chicken with a mixture of bread and flavourings.

腹内脂肪型肥胖是NIDDM的易患情况。The intra-abdominal obesity was a condition of increased susceptibility to NIDDM.

控制腹内压是预防的关键。To control intraabdominal pressure is the key to prevent conjunctival congestion.

宽唇沿,敞口,曲腹内收,小平底。Wide along the lip, exposure, intra-abdominal collection Qu, small flat-bottomed.

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对这样的病人,既使腹内有游离气体,剖腹深查通常也不十分必要。Laparotomy is usually not beneficial even in the presence of free intra-abdominal gas.

方法回顾性分析32例腹内疝所致肠梗阻病人的临床资料。Methods The clinical data of 32 patients suffered from IHIO were analyzed retrospectively.

加强治疗使得血流动力学和腹内压同时改善。Intensive medical therapy resulted in improvement in both hemodynamic measurements and IAP.

圣哲马里琪式,使腹内器官和脊柱受益。Also called Marichi's Yoga Pose, the Sage Twist Pose benefits the abdominal organs and spine.

但是,腹内压改变和肾功能改变与任何血流动力学指标均不相关。However, changes in IAP or renal function did not correlate with changes in any hemodynamic variable.

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钡餐检查或CT扫描中可发现有价值的腹内疝征象,但极少有此报道。Features of internal hernia on a barium meal study and CT scan are available, but reports are very scanty.

在血管摄影及电脑断层中,并没有发现病人有腹内肿瘤、血管炎或血管瘤。There was no evidence of tumor, vasculitis or aneurysm from abdominal angiography and computed tomography.

本文就腹内高压的定义、病理生理以及预后等相关概念进行综述。In this article, the definition, patho- physiology, and prognosis of intra-abdominal hypertension are reviewed.

喷雾甲虫的分泌液是在一对腺体--甲虫腹内并列的一对大液囊--里形成的。The bombardier's secretion is produced in a pair of glands-large sacs placed side by side in the beetle 's abdomen.

方法42例病人经静脉造影和腹内压测定确诊为BCS并有ACS。Methods 42 patients with BCS complicated with ACS were diagnosed by venography and intraabdominal pressure measurement.

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研究人员通过可降解的生物聚合物或“支架”将这些混合物植入腹内。The investigators then transplanted that mixture of cells within the abdomen on biodegradable polymers or "scaffolding."

重症急性胰腺炎并发腹内高压的发生机制与原发性腹内高压相符合。The mechanism of intraabdominal hypertension due to SAP is consistent with that of primary intra-abdominal hypertension.

慎重选择辅助检查,对疑有腹内伤者首选腹腔穿刺。Carefully selection of supplementary examinations, and diagnostic cavum aboinal puncture should be selected if necessary.