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他要凭势力走进城市里,但不能做市井之徒。He walked in the city by forces, but cannot make elegant.

居于市井,他会一举成名,成为一名声名远播的哲人。If he lives in town, he will become a famous philosopher.

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郓哥也是个典型的市井小生意人。The hay brother is a typical town little businessman too.

那些话大部分愚蠢无聊,夹杂着流行的市井喱语。It was, for the most part, silly and graced by the current slang.

潜行入茔而曝光其事,为市井之人所不齿。Stealth into the Ying and exposure to the people, elegant contempt.

市井人丛集,有换元宝还元宝等名”。Ichii were clustered, there are other names for gold ingot ingot also.

朱小林的“游戏人生”描绘着市井生活里的无聊感。Zhu Xiaolin's Life of Games depicts a feeling of senselessness in life.

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有与市井文化靠拢的热情,又不失名士对闲情逸致的追求。He loved not only philistine culture but also leisurely and carefree mood.

让你的音乐如一把利剑,刺穿市井中喧嚣的心吧。Let your music, like a sward, pierce the noice of the market to its heart.

我喜欢慢跑于晨曦之中,艾娃还在梦中,市井弥蒙。I love early morning runs when Eva is sleeping and the city is just waking.

在他邂逅灰姑娘之后,他就得在被战争摧毁的市井巷陌中寻找灰姑娘的身影。After he meets Cinderella, he must search for her in the war-torn city streets.

我们周围不乏情报市井,向人们提供快速发财致富的机遇。there is no shortage of tipsters around offering 'get-rich-quick' opportunities.

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明清市井题材小说中诗词占有大量的篇幅。Verses took up considerable space in marketplace novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties.

话本小说滥觞于说话艺人和市井文人之作。Storytelling novels originated from the works of folklore speakers and marketplace writers.

在日出而作、日落而息的规律世界中,一个市井小民的计画可能改变命运。In a world controlled and timed by light, a common man has a plan that could change destiny.

或许就意味着喧嚣的市井味和儒雅的书生气在这里汇合。The "nine provinces Tongqu" of the Wuhan City perhaps means that vulgarness and elegance converged here.

一直觉得三毛不属于喧嚣的市井,她应该只属于沙漠,撒哈拉沙漠。Always felt wool does not belong to the noisy street, she should belong to the desert, the Sahara desert.

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最后几班深夜的街车开过后,人间的一切希望好像都被带走了,因市井嘈杂而生的实在感也一扫而空。With the last midnight trams all human hope seemed drained away, all the certainties of city noises gone.

20世纪中国市民文学大多是写市井的,其杰作也大多是写市井的。Most of the 20th century's citizen literature was wrote town, of which masterpiece was mostly wrote town too.

中国市井风情小说的历史源远流长,现代小说继承和发展了传统的市民文学的艺术形式。The writing of civic novel with heary urban custom is of long standing and well established history in China.