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春不总是千篇一律的。Springs are not alway the same.

春不总是千篇一律的。Springs are not always the same.

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可是,在我看来,它们似乎都是千篇一律。But to me they seem to be all the same.

早餐面条晚餐米饭,千篇一律。Noodles for breakfast and rice for dinner.

你生得独一无二,可别死得千篇一律。You were born an original. Don't die a copy.

那本来就没什么意思,我不在乎,反正每次都千篇一律。I don't care. It's the same thing every time.

每天千篇一律的工作真的烦死我了。All the routine work really bores me to death.

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最引人注目的还是房屋的千篇一律。Most striking is the architectural uniformity.

住宅区房屋的千篇一律令我觉得糟透了。The dreary uniformity of the housing estate appals.

一成不变、千篇一律的“程式化”必须转变。Immutable and machine-made stylization should change.

其实,我们每个人都各有各的“优先”,并不总是千篇一律的。We all have priorities, and they aren’t all the same.

为什么不同的客户,销售人员说词千篇一律?Why do different customers, sales staff rhetoric fits?

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酒店设计千篇一律,缺乏特色和创意。Repetitive design with neither features nor originality.

千人一面,千篇一律,不可能出一流大学”。Thousand side, fits, can not be a first-class university.

为了避免千篇一律,我们必须发掘新意。To avoid monotony, we must always find something fresh, new.

你是否会记录下每天几乎千篇一律的饭菜?Are you writing down the same things for meals almost every day?

那本来就没什么意思,我不在乎,反正每次都千篇一律。It's not fun anyway.I don't care.It's the same thing every time.

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还要记住,在对页面进行优化时不要千篇一律。Also remember that one size does not fit all when optimizing pages.

那是些千篇一律的话,都是我们大家听惯了的。It was of a pattern which does not vary, and it is familiar to us all.

网上的千篇一律的东西它是不会去也不喜欢去看的。The machine-made thing on the net it is to also won't not like to look.