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蝾螈之眼田鸡趾。Eye of newt, and toe of frog.

在德国,你是永远不会吃田鸡的。In Germany you would never eat a frog.

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那一个狠毒的男孩用石块投掷田鸡。The cruel boy threw stones at the frogs.

我好奇地问,“田鸡是青蛙。”" I curiously ask, "chicken is the frog.

他知道很多烹调田鸡的方法。He knew a dozen ways to prepare frog meat.

童话的完善结局是亲一个田鸡?Where happily ever after was to kiss a frog?

“唉,”田鸡回答说,“我这是恶有恶报呀。"Well, " the frog said, "I thellos is las toman ah.

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我看到河渠里水田旁边有一只田鸡。刚我看到它就它潜入污浊的水中然后泅泳逃了。I found a Black-spotted Pond Frog in the ditch near the paddy field.

但是当她看到那只田鸡时,便关上门又坐回她的位子上。But when she caught sight of the frog, she closed the door and seated herself again at the table.

我们可以得到最上乘的蛤蜊、鳝鱼、田鸡腿、无鳔石首鱼、大比目鱼和活油甘鱼。We can get the most wonderful red clams, eels and frogs' legs, kingfish , turbot and live hamachi.

要是清晨第一件事便是吃一只活田鸡,那么余下的一天便不会有更糟的事产生了。Eat one live frog the first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you for the rest of the day.

他们越夸他,梁就越起劲地杀田鸡,好像它们是他的敌人,一定要消灭光。The more they praised his cooking, the more frogs Liang killed, as if they were enemies he wanted to wipe out.

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本文主要研究了饲养方式、性别、日龄对河田鸡脂肪代谢的影响。The experiment was conducted to study the effect of feed style, sex and age on the lipid metabolism of Hetian chickens.

对于患有心性水肿或肾性水肿的人来说,用田鸡食疗,有较好的利水消肿的功效。For people with cardiac or renal edema, edema of the people, with the frog diet, have better benefits of water swelling effect.

田鸡含有丰富的蛋白质、钙和磷,对青少年的生长发育和更年期骨质疏松都十分有益。Frog is rich in protein, calcium and phosphorus on the growth and development of young people and menopausal osteoporosis are very useful.

研究了不同性别和日粮能量、蛋白水平对河田鸡胸肌肉中风味前体化合物含量的影响。The experiment was conducted to study the contents of flavor precursors in breast meat of Fujian Hetian chickens with different sex and nutrition.