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这就是为什么他称他的体系为辩证唯物主义。That's why he called his system dialectical materialism.

而且你不必把历史辩证唯物主义应用于日常生活。And you don't have to apply historical dialectic materialism to daily life.

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关于动机和效果的辩证唯物主义观点,我在前面已经讲过了。I have already spoken about the dialectical materialist view of motive and effect.

这是辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义的基本点。This is the fundamental point of dialectical materialism and the history materialism.

辩证唯物主义的价值理论是马克思主义哲学的重要组成部分。The value theory of dialectical materialism is the important part of Marxist philosophy.

马克思主义幸福观是建立在辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义基础上的。Marxist concept of well-being is based on dialectical materialism and historical materialism.

在讨论过程中,我们接触到了一个辩证唯物主义的理论问题。In the course of the discussion, we impinged on a theoretical problem of dialectical materialism.

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第三章,瞿秋白辩证唯物主义在中国传播的贡献及不足。The third chapter, the contribution and insufficiency of Qu Qiubai's dialectical materialism thought.

马克思列宁主义的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义是彻底的无神论。Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism of Marxism and Leninism are of thorough antitheism.

真理既是客观的,又是发展的,这是辩证唯物主义的基本观点。According to the dialectic materialists view, it is granted that the truth is both true and developing.

马克思主义哲学的主要学说被称为辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义。The central doctrines of marxist philosophy are called dialectical materialism and historical materialism.

社会主义初级阶段主体特色的哲学依据则是辩证唯物主义的矛盾论。The evidence in philosophy of such characteristics is the theory of contradiction in dialectic materialism.

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与上述问题相联系,不能把马克思主义辩证唯物主义世界观当作人本主义、人道主义来理解。Above all, the dialectical materialism outlook in Marxism should not be treated as humanism and humanitarianism.

最后,从辩证唯物主义认识论的角度分析了皮亚杰主客体思想的缺陷。Finally, analyze the defects of Piaget's subject and object from the view of dialectical materialism epistemology.

科学的抽象法是与辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义紧密相连的。Scientific abstract magic art is linked together cheek by jowl with dialectical materialism, historical materialism.

辩证唯物主义认为,概念是随着人类认识深度和广度的增加而逐渐发展的。In the opinion of dialectical materialism, concept is developing with the deepening and broadening of human being's mind.

宇宙和谐论和马克思辩证唯物主义的实践论是工程美学的理论基础。Harmony of the universe and practice of dialectical materialism are both theoretical foundation of engineering aesthetics.

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当范老师等着保安去通知女孩父亲时,他研究着挂在单位门口的名牌,上面写着“马克思辩证唯物主义协会”。While Teacher Fei waited for a guard to inform the man of his arrival, he studied the plaque at the entrance to the institute.

文章结论是程砚秋一生,以辩证唯物主义精神进行艺术创作和理论思考。Thought finally Cheng Yanqiu life, carries on the artistic creation and the theory ponder by the dialectical materialism spirit.

这种传统教学模式的理论基础是辩证唯物主义的认识论和行为主义心理学理论。The theoretical basis of this traditional teaching mode is the epistemology of dialectical materialism and the behavioristic psychology.