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是在奥林匹亚用…用聚光镜聚集阳光引燃火焰。It's lighted with the sunshine through condenser in Olympia.

在光源和标本之间是聚光镜。The condenser is interposed between the light source and the specimen.

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给出了此集热器中聚光镜和接收器的结构设计,并对集热器进行了传热分析。The configuration design of concentrator and collector is discussed, and the heat transfer analysis of collectors is given.

依据正入射软X射线显微成像系统对聚光镜的要求,论述了采用掠入射聚光镜是最佳选择。The optimum choice of grazing incidence on the basis of the demands soft X ray normal incidence microscopic optics is presented.

在光源系统中采用球面聚光镜和平面反射镜,可大幅提高光源的利用率。Adopting spherical mirror and plane mirror can notablely improve the utilization of the light source in the system of light source.

潘氏美文以人的精神情态为着眼点,以人情世态为聚光镜来看取社会、看取人生。Viewing society and life from the angle of peoples spirit, emotion and attitude, Pans essays lay stress on social cultural criticism.

为了获得高分辨率的图象,使用聚光镜的延伸镜非常重要。具体资料见光学附件。In order to get highly resolved images, it is important to use a condenser extension lens. See Optical Accessories for more information.

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他正尽力使电站能多发点,同时他也在存储热能以便当云层遮住聚光镜是能够使电站继续工作。He was trying to produce as much electricity as possible while saving heat to tide the plant over as clouds castepisodic shadows on the solar array.

建立了一套较完整的大口径聚光镜型菲涅耳透镜设计和分析理论。A more integrated theory of design and analysis has been established for the sake of developing the condensing lens type large aperture Frensnel lens.

备有各种形状、尺寸的防雾镜、贴膜安全镜、太阳能聚光镜、古典家具镜、汽车后视镜等。Mirrors with various shapes and sizes are available , such as fog proof mirrors , film stuck safety mirrors furniture mirrors and auto rearview mirrors.

当你把聚光镜的可变光栏关到最小时,可以看到视场中心有一个明亮的白色亮点,这个亮点是聚光镜孔径光栏的像。If you close down the condenser diaphragm most of the way, you will see a bright white central spot of light which is the image of the aperture diaphragm.

聚光镜装配有瞳孔膜,那是一个有贡杆控制的快门,用来调节进入镜头系统的光量。The condenser is equipped with an iris diaphragm , a shutter controlled by a lever which is used to regulate the amount of light entering the lens system.

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与目前的聚光镜相比,新型聚光镜汇聚的光强更强,对于非直射散射光的收集更为出色,并且提高了接收角,在性能上有多方面的改进。Compare to present ones, the optimised new version of lens condenser has stronger ability in concentrating light, especially scattered light, and the receiving angle is increased as well.

本文讨论了球面聚光镜的数学原理,导出了光能密度分布函数,并提出了热能接收器设计方案。This paper discusses the principle of the concentrating property of the spherical reflector, derives the light energy distributing function, and gives the design of the heat energy receiver.

系统由光源、光阑和聚光镜、标尺光栅、显微物镜及CMOS电子目镜组成,光栅图像进入PC机,采用软件进行细分。Whole system included lamp-house, diaphragm and condenser lens, metrological grating, microscope objective and CMOS image sensor. The grating image transfer to PC by USB, and subdivide it by software.