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院子里走出皮肤黝黑的老人,将他拖进土房里。The yard out of the dark skin of the elderly, will land him into the room.

我们一家三代四口人都挤在爷爷的60平米左右的土房内。Three generations of our family of four live in Grandpa's 60 square meters house.

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小土房上小小的烟囱,冒出的烟也是纤细的,更像童话中的一幅插图。From the small chimneys on the top of small adobe, smoking was fine, like an inset in fairy tale novels.

这是一个僻远的小村落,不过十几户土房,在夕阳里拉着长长的影子。This is a remote small village, a dozen or so family's houses of clay, pulling in the evening sun long shadows.

何况那住在土房,根基在尘土里,被蠹虫所毁坏的人呢。How much less in them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, which are crushed before the moth?

这些地段还没有被淹过,所以人们筑土房和粮仓,种树,建清真寺。These lands had not been flooded in living memory, and so people built solid houses and granaries, planted trees, raised mosques. This was their life’s work.

土房里如死一般寂静,皑皑的雪光透过糊着报纸的窗户映照进来,每个人的脸都像死人似的苍白。The room was so quiet like dead, and pure white snow shine came into the room through the windows covered by newspapers, and everyone's face was pallor like ghast.

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过去十年中,饱受战时流离失所之苦的寡妇聚集于阿富汗首都东郊一处公墓上方的一片山坡上,在这里,她们凭借自己的双手搭建了自己的土房。For the past decade, war widows have converged here and built by hand their mud hovels on a slope above a cemetery in an eastern neighborhood of the Afghan capital.

真正的个人主义者则住在透明玻璃的球仪顶建筑、地下「土房」、环保太阳能房屋、甚至是回收的废弃机身里,来表现个人独特的作风。True individualists express their personal flair by residing in geodesic domes, underground "earth homes, " environment-friendly solar houses and even recycled airplane fuselages.

建村者的土房已经换成了砖房,有遮挡太阳的百叶窗,还有洋灰地,这些都有助于忍受下午两点的焕热。The adobe houses of the founders had been replaced by brick buildings with wooden blinds and cement floors which made the suffocating heat of two o'clock in the afternoon more bearable.

美国印第安人展厅的图腾柱和波尼土房也吸引了不少观众,那里展示了内布拉斯加州印第安人部落波尼人的传统生活方式。The American Indian exhibit intrigues visitors with its collection of totem poles and its Pawnee Earth Lodge, created to explain the traditional ways of the Pawnee Indians, a Nebraska tribe.

这些建筑物含有比如用来保存电和热的太阳能电池板那样的组成部分,或者他们也可能是地球房屋,也被称为地下房屋或者掩土房屋。These structures can consist of components, such as solar panels, for the conservation of electricity and heat, or they may be earth homes, also known as underground or earth-sheltered homes.

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在宁静狭窄的山谷之间,满是古老的土房,和新建的两层砖瓦水泥房,新房是靠在城市打拼的农民工寄回的钱修建的。The quiet, narrow valleys in between are sprinkled with ancient mud farmhouses and newer, two-storey brick and cement dwellings, paid for by remittances sent from villagers working in the cities.

在宁静狭窄的山谷之间,满是古老的土房,和新建的两层砖瓦水泥房,新房是靠在城市打拼的农民工寄回的钱修建的。The quiet, narrow valleys in between are sprinkled with ancient mud farmhouses and newer, two-storey brick and cement dwellings, paid for by remittances sent from ­villagers working in the cities.

当时,马孔多是个二十户人家的村庄,一座座土房都盖在河岸上,河水清澈,沿着遍布石头的河床流去,河里的石头光滑、洁白,活象史前的巨蛋。At that time Macondo was a village of twenty adobe houses, built on the bank of a river of clear water that ran along a bed of polished stones, which were white and enormous, like prehistoric eggs.