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夜深了。The night deepened.

夜深了,很凉爽。It is night out and cool.

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夜深了,我需要杯咖啡。I need a cup of coffee. It’s already midnight.

夜深了,没有你的夜真的深不见底。Late at night, a night without you really deep.

夜深了,我还在写关于你的日志。Late at night, and I also write about your log.

夜深了,风远了,花睡了。Late at night, and the wind far spent sleeping.

夜深了,你的手机关了吗?Later at night, do you turn lff your cell phone?

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现在夜深了,太阳也该出来了吧???。Now late at night, and the sun has come out? ? ?

知有儿童挑促织,夜深篱落一灯明。Have children pick a cricket, night fencing lamp.

夜深了,你安然入睡,可是为何还紧锁双眉?Late at night, you sleep, but why still frowning?

夜深了,而那束蓝光愈加强烈刺眼。As the evening grew darker the light grew stronger.

总在夜深暸才出现的越来越明显。In total the night before the increasingly obvious.

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那些吵闹的猫在夜深时分真烦人。Those noisy cats are great annoyance late at night.

夜深了,村子里沉静下来。It was late at night, and all was quiet in the village.

夜深了,寂莫孤影的牧神在森林湖畔徘徊。A fantasy about the loneliness of the Faun in the night.

夜深了,皎洁的月光漫溯过我的侧脸。It was late, bright moonlight roving through my side face.

凤尾香罗薄几重,碧文圆顶夜深缝。Hong Luo thin Pteris several heavy, Bi Wen night dome slit.

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为什么夜深了头痛难受但还不想睡?Why late at night have a headache afflictive but not dozy still?

夜深了,油路也上了冻,手机耗尽了电池。As the night wore on, fuel lines froze and cellphone batteries died.

犹握金鞭问归客,夜深谁共御街行?In the depths of the night, who goes together walking the royal road?