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他们不惜工本建造了这栋房子。They built the house the cost.

他不惜工本为自己造了一幢别墅。He spared no expense in building a villa for himself.

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不惜工本为自己造了一幢别墅。He spares no expense in building a villa for himself.

他不惜工本为自己造了一间大房子。He spared no expense in building a big house for himself.

本厂不惜工本制造假肢,为残疾人服务。Our factory has spared no cost to manufacture artificial limBs in order to serve disaBled people.

这让我想起了很多过去的史诗连续剧,它们往往不惜工本,力求尽善尽美。It reminded me more of older epic drama series, where no cost was spared and attention was given to every detail.

公司不惜工本以双封套唱片包装,亦是许冠杰唯一有双封套设计的唱片…The record company also released the album with a double cover design, this is the only album of Sam Hui that has this feature.

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布景的制作是不惜工本的,连熟悉巴黎和维也纳歌剧院的人也承认布景很美。No expense had been spared on the setting, whichwas acknowledged to be very beautiful even by peoplewho shared his acquaintance with the Opera houses ofParis and Vienna.

有的碾琢细致,如雕似画,有的在抛光上不惜工本以显示其温润晶莹之玉质美。Some grind Zhuo detailed, like paintings, such as carving, and some polishing on the spared no expense in order to demonstrate its long tradition of jade crystal America.

布景的制作是不惜工本的,连熟悉巴黎和维也纳歌剧院的人也承认布景很美。No expense had been spared on the setting, which was acknowledged to be very beautiful even by people who shared his acquaintance with the Opera houses of Paris and Vienna.