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这是同松冈的主见背道而驰的。This was contrary to Matsuoka's theme.

这和有效的防治计划背道而驰。That's antithetical to effective prevention programs.

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这和有效的防治计划背道而驰。That's antithetic al to effective prevention programs.

但在我看来,选择性投票制和改进我们的政治制度是背道而驰的。But it seems to me AV is the opposite of improving politics.

他们还可以在双胞胎背道而驰安装旋转。They can also run counter-rotation for installation in twins.

这几乎与商学院所教授内容背道而驰。It's almost the opposite of what is taught in business school.

偏废任何一方,都是和马克思主义的人生价值观背道而驰的。Suppressed any party, are and marxism unbiblical values in life.

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事实上,这种想法恰恰与大自然约定的“生育法则”背道而驰。In fact, that runs counter to the “procreation creed” of Mother Nature.

拿破仑早就斥责说,这些想法是与动物主义的精神背道而驰的。Napoleon had denounced such ideas as contrary to the spirit of Animalism.

新爱尔兰宪法对这一手段的精神背道而驰。The new Irish constitution was going against the spirit of this approach.

但是,阿克洛夫和希勒,却指责“信心”具有消极性,这一点又与凯恩斯背道而驰。But Akerlof and Shiller give it a negative charge that is alien to Keynes.

如果你根据一组静态数据写测试的话,那么你就会逐渐与真正运行中数据库背道而驰。If you go against a known static set, you slowly deviate from the live db.

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该问题发生在理论和实际彼此背道而驰的情况下。The problem occurs where theory and reality run orthogonal to one another.

他还声称,与流行的观点背道而驰的是,耳朵可以实现自我清理。He also asserted that, contrary to popular belief, the ear is self-cleaning.

事实上,大部份现代政治科学的方针,都与柏拉图的传承背道而驰。In fact, much of modern political science is directed against Plato's legacy.

他倾向于用暴力,这可是跟和平运动的宗旨背道而驰的。His tendency toward violence was athwart the philosophy of the peace movement.

但是说它背道而驰,并不意味着,它矛盾牴触,既然我们买弄的是逻辑!But to say the contrary, does not mean contradictory, since we are doing logic!

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但是对于俄罗斯和中国,对于这样一份动议投赞成票他们本身的想法背道而驰。For Russia and China, voting in favour of such a motion went against the grain.

他们创造的互相帮助、富于支持的工作环境,跟当时的时代风气背道而驰。They created a social, supportive work environment that contradicted the times.

两年期公债标售令人失望,所以令市场压力更重.此外,债市就是在同股市背道而驰.The two-year auction was disappointing, so that put more pressure on the market.