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这话我多会儿说来?When did I say so?

你多会儿来的?When did you come?

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不多会儿,东方黄金窗边,太阳探出头来〉。Peered forth the golden window of the east.

多会儿响?““船长让它响时,“When?" "When the captain wants it to blow."

但是过不多会儿,我的眼泪开始滚滚而下,我自己控制不了。But after a while my tears started falling down.

我们俩还没坐多会儿,希普太太就进来了。We had not been sitting together long when Mrs Heep came in.

不多会儿,他就找到了他的影子,他高兴极了,就忘了他把叮叮铃关在抽屉里了。In a moment he had recovered his shadow, and in his delight he forgot that he had shut Tinker Bell up in the drawer.

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没多会儿之前,米歇尔和我有机会参观了这里的纪念馆,怀念在袭击中丧失生命的遇害者。A few moments ago, Michelle and I had the opportunity to visit the memorial here and to honor the memory of those who were lost.

我仿佛觉得自己正在一步步地向玛格丽特靠拢,不多会儿,我就把话题转到玛格丽特身上。I felt that I was imperceptibly drawing closer to Marguerite. It was not long before I had turned the conversation round to her.

大约在夜半,我才打盹没多会儿,就被林惇夫人弄醒了,她溜到我卧房里,搬把椅子在我床边,拉我的头发把我唤醒。About the middle of the night, I was wakened from my first nap by Mrs Linton gliding into my chamber, taking a seat on my bedside, and pulling me by the hair to rouse me.

他齐胸提着灯笼,在那片黑暗的区域中走了没多会儿,溅水声和求救声就钻进了他那薄长的双耳。He had traversed but little of that black thoroughfare, holding his lanthorn at the level of his breast, when the sound of a splash and cries for help smote his long, thin ears.