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我的膝盖瘀青了。My knee is bruised.

让我的膝盖不能打弯!I can't bend my knees!

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医生,我的膝盖好痛。Doctor , my knee hurts.

这些是高高的膝盖。These are Gogo's knees.

书从我的膝盖上滑落了。My book slid off my knee.

老二长过你的膝盖!Swinging past your knees!

膝盖上放着我的班卓琴。With my banjo on my knee.

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你的膝盖会感谢你的。Your knees will thank you.

我因为害怕而膝盖瘫软。My knees buckled with fear.

他摔了一跤,膝盖碰得很厉害。He fell and banged his knee.

苏哈低头看自己的膝盖。Suha looked down at her lap.

我把我的膝盖伤的很惨。I made burger out of my knee.

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膝盖酸痛,腿上静脉曲张。Knee pain and varicose veins.

在我的膝盖上摆弄他的小玩意儿。He played nicknack on my knee.

我膝盖弯儿怕痒痒。I'm ticklish behind the knees.

提起你的膝盖和大腿。Lift your kneecaps and thighs.

她经常跳上我的膝盖。She often jumps onto my knees.

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用这条毛毯盖在你的膝盖上。Cover your knees with this rug.

她摔了一跤,膝盖跌得乌青。She fell and bruised her knees.

她摔了一跤,膝盖跌得乌青。She fell over and hurt her knee.