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本来就囊中羞涩的人们如今一无所有。People who always had very little now have nothing.

这家饭馆向胃口很大但囊中羞涩的人供餐。This restaurant catered to large appetites and modest purses.

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肚中饥饿,但囊中羞涩的程咬金想出来钱快的鬼点子。In the belly hungry, but poorer path bite gold think out money fast trick.

但继续往前推进的话,特斯拉比起竞争对手来就会有点囊中羞涩了。But going forward, Tesla will have less of a cash cushion than competitors.

秦琼囊中羞涩,已经欠了七天的房租钱未给。QinQiong clemson is already in debt for seven days of the rent money not to.

他们独立自主的,囊中羞涩的,并且能够忍受各种不便。They are independent, impecunious and able to tolerate all degrees of discomfort.

经济衰退期间,囊中羞涩的消费者对于购买个人电脑一直不踊跃。Cash-strapped consumers have been slow to buy personal computers in the recession.

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你为那些囊中羞涩的企业家提供的最佳建议是什么?What is the best advice you can offer other entrepreneurs who don't have much means?

就像许多幽默的人所说的那样,这比囊中羞涩的美国政府所剩的钱还多。As many wags pointed out, that's more than the cash-strapped U.S. government has left.

但这一切又苦于囊中羞涩,时常为此尴尬穷愁。But all also suffer from cystic in Xiuse, often embarrassing for the poor worry about.

廉价的自助餐吸引了胃口大但囊中羞涩的顾客们。The budget buffet attracted customers with immoderate appetites but limited pocket books.

诚然,各州及地方政府在深受经济衰退的打击之下囊中羞涩。And it’s true that state and local governments, hit hard by the recession, are cash-strapped.

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联想已经掌握了销售廉价电脑给那些囊中羞涩的消费者的技巧。Lenovo has mastered the art of selling cheap computers to people with not many yuan to spare.

这些费用必须由作者承担,对于囊中羞涩的大学部门来说这是笔很大的费用。These must be paid by the authors, a significant expense for cash-strapped university departments.

由于经济衰退,星巴克最近在吸引并留住囊中羞涩的顾客方面一直颇感吃力。Starbucks has been struggling lately to attract and retain cash-strapped customers amid the recession.

对于那些时间有限、囊中羞涩却还想以炫酷的方式在城市穿梭的年轻人而言,死飞的这些特点正合心意。These qualities appeal to youths lacking time and money but wanting to find cool ways to navigate cities.

由于囊中羞涩,她和曾是空军的丈夫从未在餐馆吃过饭。She and her husband, who had enlisted in the Air Force, were so poor that they couldn't afford to eat out.

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调查发现,高能量食品是囊中羞涩的购物者的更好选择。The survey found that higher-calorie, energy-dense foods are the better bargain for cash-strapped shoppers.

由于各国政府和纳税者现在正是囊中羞涩,在资金投入方面也引发了争议。There was also much hand-wringing about money, as governments and taxpayers in rich countries feel the pinch.

即使被抓,通常只需交纳最低保释金就可获释,因为当局往往由于囊中羞涩,无力向他们提起诉讼。Even those who are caught are usually freed on minimum bail because there is often no fuel to bring them to court.