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只有一个能占上风。Only one can prevail.

逼着他们跟你讲英语,你才会占上风。Force them to speak English and you win.

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在我国,金钱万能太占上风了。Money talks way too loud in our country.

不要让焦虑或沮丧占上风。Do not let anxiousness or frustration take over.

今后的几个月哪种结局会占上风?Which scenario will prevail in the months ahead?

如果亲增长阵营占上风,这一数字将更接近于7万亿元人民币。If the pro-growth camp wins, it will be nearer Rmb7,000bn.

理性的个体利益不总是占上风的因素。Rational selfinterest is not always the dominating factor.

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直到最近,似乎雪佛龙公司将占上风。Until fairly recently, it seemed that Chevron would prevail.

当我们提前做决定时,就是“应该”占上风了。When we make decisions in advance it's Should that's incharge.

初步迹象显示,年轻一代可能占上风。There are initial signs that the younger generation may be prevailing.

有关今年的最新时装,新的预测是“个人风格”占上风。The new prediction for high fashion this year is "Personal Style" is in.

尼娜并没有激动,什么也没透露,也一直没有让梅森占上风。Nina stays calm, divulges nothing and never lets Mason get the best of her.

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但是,汇丰银行经济学家曲红兵说,从长期来看,他认为人民币会占上风。But HSBC economist Qu Hongbin told me, longer term, he would bet on the yuan.

据称,无论两个组成要素中哪一个会占上风都是迟早的事。Purportedly, either of the two constituent elements should prevail sooner or later.

要让昆西琼斯说的话,作为迈克尔最好的杰作“墙外”要比“颤栗”占上风。To let Quincy Jones tell it, "Wall" edges "Thriller" as Michael's ultimate masterpiece.

这个同盟很快占上风,开始了一个现在站在胜利边缘的进程。This coalition soon gained the upper hand and began a process that now verges on success.

在公平获取医疗方面,1971年首次提出的“颠倒的医疗法则”占上风。In terms of fair access to care, the “inverse care law”, first described in 1971, prevails.

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中方的谈判代表通常在酒桌上破除隔阂,然后试图占上风。Chinese negotiators often use booze to break down barriers—and to try to get the upper hand.

最终民族主义占上风,建立了以“潘查希拉”为基础的共和国。In the end, nationalism kept the weather and established the nation on the basis of Pancasila.

虽然北朝鲜在战争初期占上风,但由美国领导的联合国军很快将北朝军队击退,并最终攻克了平壤。Despite initial successes, UN forces led by the US pushed the troops back and captured Pyongyang.