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员工意见箱。Staff suggestion box.

一位可敬的员工。An honorable employee.

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员工有工资单吗?B. 2.5 Do wage lists exist?

改善员工士气“to improve employee morale."

这很有意思,我们的一个员工。There's an interesting story.

很多员工遭到资遣。A lot of employees got laid of.

询问员工与孩子的比例。Ask about staff to child ratio.

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他是富士银行的员工。He is an employee of Fuji Bank.


到处走走,多跟员工交流。Walk around and talk to people.

我们必须保护员工。We have to protect our employe.

我们怎么把员工重新聚集的呢。But how did we get people along.

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属学习、实干型的员工。A personnel of study and working.

任何员工都是唯一的。Each of your employees is unique.

我把你介绍给全体员工,好么?May I introduce you to the staff?

我们必须保护员工。We have to protect our employees.

写下我希望员工有什么表现。Write down my hope to the sta'ff.

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公司约有700名在华员工。has about 700 employees in China.

油费、保险、硬件设施、员工工资!Fuel, insurance, equipment, staff?

我是生产部的一名员工。I'm the production of an employee.