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一季的苹果就这样付诸东流。One season of apples down the drain.

恐怕这突如其来的雨天已使我们的野炊付诸东流了。I'm afraid this sudden wet weather has put paid to our picnic.

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那么,如果你没有伤残保险,他们付诸东流。Well, they go down the drain if you don’t have disability insurance.

他透露,在2004年他曾试图提高利率,但大量储蓄的充斥使他的努力付诸东流。He tried to get rates up in 2004, he says, but the glut won’t let him.

而近期丰田召回数量规模空前,让以前的所有努力付诸东流。The latest recall, of unprecedented scale, throws the efforts back to square one.

因此深圳的反仿冒工作付诸东流了,推而广之,中国的反仿冒工作也是如此。So go anti-counterfeiting efforts in Shenzhen and, by extension, in China as a whole.

他们为弥和两代人之间的代沟所做的一切努力都付诸东流了。Their efforts to bridge the gap between the two generations arrived at no result in the end.

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Michalek在GE工作了39年,他表示,那些错误让他的大部分资产净值都付诸东流.Michalek, who worked for GE for 39 years, said those mistakes have wiped out most of his net worth.

如果我们的国民都认为垃圾回收是在浪费时间,那我们在对废物利用上所有的努力都会付诸东流。We risk destroying all our achievements in recycling if we as a nation decide it is a waste of time.

罗马队所做出的任何努力都因为中后卫菲利普梅克斯的愚蠢行为而付诸东流。Any chance Roma had of making a comeback was undone by the foolishness of centre-back Phillipe Mexes.

当时我难过了几天,我想,自己这一年半以来的努力难道就这样付诸东流了吗?I was in deep sorrow for a few days. I thought the one and a half years' hard work will be destroyed.

但是,坏消息却是,随着市场逐步稳定,对金融系统进行根本性改革的机会也付诸东流了。The bad news is that as markets stabilize, chances for fundamental financial reform may be slipping away.

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如果他们再不出现,我们三个月的辛苦就付诸东流了,你也得退休了。If they, re no-shows, three months of prep down the tubes and I dragged you out of retirement for nothing.

日本邮政控股前主席西川要求私有化努力付诸东流结束。Former Japan Post Holdings President Yoshifumi Nishikawa calls the end of the privatization effort a waste.

为了回报家里的牺牲和付出,不让家人的希望付诸东流,他们都埋头苦读。For that very reason, all of them buried themselves in their books so their family's effort would not go to waste.

屏幕上电视频道的高成本、低地位,使先前许多开展地方电视服务的努力都付诸东流。High costs and low positions on on-screen TV channel guides have killed previous efforts to launch local services.

但是,这使得一些美国的盟友感觉他们对伊朗施加的最大压力可能会付诸东流了。But it left some U. S. allies feeling that their efforts to marshal maximal pressure onIranmight have come unmoored.

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美军驻阿富汗高级将军提出警告称,如果不派遣更多军队,进行了八年的打击反叛分子的努力将付诸东流。His top general there has warned that the eight-year effort to defeat the insurgency could fail without more troops.

改变大气也会削弱太阳能,并让为关闭臭氧层空洞所做的多年努力付诸东流。Altering the atmosphere could also weaken solar power and reverse years of work to close the hole in the ozone layer.

2008年全球危机来袭,银行疯狂放贷驱动的庞大刺激计划,令10年改革成果付诸东流。Come the global crisis in 2008, a huge stimulus package driven by frenetic bank lending swept away 10 years of reform.