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为数不多的富豪盘剥穷人,养肥自己。The few enormously rich battened on the poor.

斯林克就像一个孩子,你不会盘剥你的孩子。Slinky is like a child, and you don't exploit your child.

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在器官贩卖过程中,往往存在经济盘剥现象与身体残害问题。Organ trafficking often involves financial and physical exploitation.

这种作法无疑将会盘剥公共医疗部门中其他的资源。This will inevitably suck resources from elsewhere in the health service.

“第一步是保护新闻内容不受未经授权的盘剥”,他说。"Step one is to protect published news content against unauthorized exploitation, " he said.

但是,最近,实在忍受不了黑帮盘剥的便利店老板,最终选择了关门大吉。Recently, however, can not stand gangs exploit the convenience store owner, chose to close down.

他们眼睁睁地盘剥,强大的武装军队,能够粉碎任何反抗势力If they're being exploited, they've got big armies that can crush them like grapes if they get in the way.

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批评者认为这并不公平,嫖客不可能事先知道对方是否被盘剥。Critics have suggested that this is ­unfair, that a man can't possibly know whether a woman is being exploited.

在我的研究中,我将这些盘剥公司的赔偿作为收获的人称为机会主义消费者。In my research, I define opportunistic customers as those who exploit companies' compensation efforts for gain.

互联网在政治方面也极大的增强了那些遭受严苛政府盘剥的个人的力量。Politically, the Internet has been able to massively empower individuals suffering under oppressive governments.

张然说,这种结构很像传销,从上至下的利息层层盘剥。Zhang Ran says, this kind of structure is like a pyramid scheme, from top to bottom of the interest layers of exploitation.

道理很简单,儿童对保障的要求较少,对他们的盘剥要容易得多,而且最重要的是他们明显地更便宜。The simple truth is that children require fewer guarantees, are far easier to exploit and -- most of all -- are considerably cheaper.

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同时,官僚商人对劳动人民盘剥,激化了阶级矛盾,加剧了社会的动荡。What's mere, bureaucratic tradespeople 's exploitation of the working people aggravated class contradiction and worsened social turbulence.

罗马统治者对行省人民的盘剥,为罗马帝国初期的繁荣提供了雄厚的物质基础。This thesis mainly discusses the plunder and exploitation of Rome on its provinces , and emphasized the reason on the prosperous of Early Empire.

第三部门从邻近与分歧两个角度动身对罗默的盘剥实际与马克思的盘剥实际停止了比较。The third sector from two aspects and the differences of adjacent left Roemer's exploitation reality and Marx's actual exploitation were compared.

而亚洲溢价就是已经存在了近30年并对包括中国在内的东北亚国家盘剥的不公平的国际贸易规则。The "Asian Premium" is an almost-30-year-old rule in international trade that has exploited unfairly north-eastern Asian countries including China.

不莱梅人是生意人。但他们不似汉堡那种大商埠的资本家般惯于盘剥,而处处显示小生意人的头脑和智慧。People in Bremen are businessmen. They are different from capitalists in big commercial cities, like Hamburg. They are full of wisdom and smartness of small businessmen.

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股东利益被懒惰的经理层耽搁、被部分贪婪的经理层盘剥,是造成国有资本收益低下的主要原因。The main reason for the low state-owned capital gains is that the lazy managers bad performance and the interests of shareholders exploited by some of the greedy managers.

加纳首任总统恩克鲁玛在书中写道,不发达国家或许会获得名义上的自由,但却继续遭到来自海外大型企业及富豪精英的盘剥。Nkrumah, Ghana's first president, writes that poor countries may be nominally free, but they continue to be manipulated from abroad by powerful corporate and plutocratic elites.

汉代诸子通过对两汉各个时期吏治状况的论述,深刻揭露了官官相护、贪污奢侈、对劳动人民的中间盘剥等吏治腐败现实。Through their demonstration about administration of local officials, the thinkers of Han Dynasty deeply exposed officials protecting each other, corruption, practising usury, and so on.