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她却说,“我们都只不过是作茧自缚哦。”And she said , We are all just prisoners here, of our own device.

艾哈迈迪内贾德总统称决议为“一纸空文”,这其实是作茧自缚之举。Its president has called the UN resolution a "piece of torn paper".

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“微笑”就是要我们多一份“淡薄”和“宁静”的心境。作茧自缚又怎么能开心呢?"Smile" is that we have more than a "weak" and "quiet" state of mind.

布鲁克斯发表的一些言论后来使她作茧自缚。Some of Ms. Brooks' statements along the way later came back to haunt her.

这种热情的主要后果恰如作茧自缚。尽管这一情况当时始终未意识到。This enthusiasm has one major effect that although not seen at the time, was self-defeating.

你的生命被你的态度所包围,作茧自缚,画地为牢,你将过得很悲惨。Your whole life is affected by your attitude, which means you , and you will live a miserable life.

如果我们一味坚持根据过去筹划未来,那显然就是作茧自缚、自寻失败。If we insist on trying to plot the future by the past, we clearly handicap ourselves and invite failure.

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根本问题是英国政府制定的移民政策本身有缺陷,如今作茧自缚。The underlying problem is that the government has become a prisoner of its own flawed immigration policy.

权位是我同胞世界中似非而是的问题,由于他们对力量的渴求,反而作茧自缚,限制了自己的力量。Station is the paradox of the world of my people , the limitation of our power within the hunger for power.

也就是说,如果用你逻辑的大脑去分析它,那么最终你会作茧自缚并一无所获。This is to say that if you look into it with your logical brain you will only strain yourself and come up with nothing.

没有主权,奢谈安全,安全就是空话,就是作茧自缚,就是为他人作嫁衣裳。No talk about sovereignty, security, security is empty, that is the wedding dress for others in a cocoon around oneself.

这就打断了他的思维,然后我解释给他听,当一条虫作茧自缚时,看上去它好像死了一样。This broke his pattern. I then explained how, when a caterpillar encases itself in its cocoon, it looks as if it is dying.

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适宜的规则能产生完美的执行力,不恰当的规则会令企业作茧自缚。Feasible rules can produce perfect implementation capacity while improper rules make enterprise get caught in one's own trap.

但是,不仅对于巴勒斯坦人还是对于以色列本国人民而言,某种程度上是作茧自缚造成这个国家处于孤寂的险境。But its loneliness, partly self-inflicted, is making it a worse place, not just for the Palestinians but also for its own people.

但是,天长日久,若钉住本断代史的一两个领域,不能上下串联,左右旁鹜,亦势必作茧自缚。However, the constant, daily, if the peg of the dating history of one or two areas, not up and down series, so distraction is also bound to cocoon.

他这个为人牺牲的可怜的英雄,由于自己一片忠忱,竟至作茧自缚,自投苦海!How he regretted his abnegation and his folly in having brought Cosette back into the world, poor hero of sacrifice, seized and hurled to the earth by his very self-devotion!

如果你接受的教育货真价实,今天就是一个释放激情的节日,不要再作茧自缚,你们今天的成就是迈向崭新世界的阶梯。Education , if it is real and not a sham , is a releasing , not an imprisoning , thing. If you wish it to be so , the achievement of your degree is a step toward a new freedom.

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如果无法面对和克服这些内心的恐惧和疑虑,如果我们对自己过分保护,那我们就会停止成长,我们就会作茧自缚。If we do not confront and overcome these internal fears and doubts, if we protect ourselves too much, then we cease to grow. We become trapped inside a shell of our own making.