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小春这才意识到问题的严重性。Doing this realized the seriousness of the problem.

拿到第一个月的工钱,小春就租了一间小屋把一家人搬了进去。Xiaochun rented a small house and moved his family in.

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一旁的小春行动敏捷地推开了他,自己却受了伤。Pushed aside his side doing action promptly and hurt himself.

卉卉和小春在酒吧喝酒,小春被灌醉,睡了过去。Ou ou and doing in the bar drinking, doing was drunk, passed out.

对爱情百折不挠的童小春挽回了属于自己的爱情。To the love persistent TongXiaoChun saved the belongs to own love.

与此同时,北野武藏识出刀锋就是海战中击毙小春的人。Meanwhile, kitano hidden blade is general out killed in a sea saves.

所以从现在起,我在QQ和MSN上面将只使用英文与小春聊天。So I will only speak in English in QQ&MSN with Chunchun from now on.

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璇-这部就像是那部的笑剧版,郑伊健和陈小春都又回来演了。M – It's like a comedy remake of that. Jordan and Ekin are both back.

生气的奶奶要把小春轰出去,还好大家拉着,奶奶才没有发火。Grandma angry to doing out, also good pull, grandma didn t take offense.

顾阡陌为了安慰骆天明,她约小春父子俩一起喝茶。Buildings in order to comfort LuoTianMing, her about doing had tea together.

梁文不禁担心,难道程定雄真的打算要栽培小春。Liang can not help but worry, doing are Cheng Dingxiong really intend to cultivation.

卉卉看到小春沮丧的样子,便用自己的小说来鼓励他,相信他一定会成功。Ou ou see doing depressed, in her novel to encourage him, believe that he will succeed.

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拿到第一个月的工钱,小春就租了一间小屋把一家人搬了进去。When he received his first salary, Xiaochun rented a small house and moved his family in.

小春既为卉卉担心,又怪卉卉瞒着自己,跟自己分手。Doing both worry about ou ou, and blame ou ou to hide from yourself, break up with yourself.

几经询问,向阳得知了四季和小春在福康公司做试吃员的事情。After several inquiries, xiangyang learned four seasons and doing in the company do try member.

与此同时,程定雄也把小春放进了公司,只不过是从最基层做起。At the same time, Cheng Dingxiong also put doing in the company, only from the most basic level.

小春家里有房、有钱,父母对丁宝也相当满意。Have in home of the tenth lunar month room, rich, parents is quite satisfactory also to Ding Bao.

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向阳将小春四人安顿在公园里之后,只身回去救四季。The sun will be doing after four people settled in the park, go back alone to save the four seasons.

自私刻薄的陈兰从未给过小春好脸色,善良的张忆雪却对这五个孩子一视同仁。Selfish caustic Chen lai has never been to doing good face, good zhang yi snow is on the five children equally.

程卉卉被病魔折磨得心神不宁,她担心自己牵连童小春,于是主动提出分手。Cheng Hui plants was upset with the disease, she worries about his involvement TongXiaoChun, then offered to break up.