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这些元素是超重元素。These are what are known as the superheavies.

另外,我们还计算并简单分析了114号和116号超重元素。Then super heavy element 114 and 116 are also calculated and studied.

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放射性沉降物中含有非天然的重元素和同位素。The fallout contained heavy elements and isotopes not found in nature.

重元素中的大量放射性同位素分别属于三个系列。A large number of radioactive isotopes among the heavy elements are of three series.

这种超重元素通常是具有非常强的放射性,并且几乎立即会发生衰变。Such superheavy elements are usually very radioactive and decay away almost instantly.

科学家认为在大气圈内,存在着由碳和氧较重元素组成的壳层。Under the atmosphere, scientists think there is a very think crust of carbon and oxygen.

这类白矮星中有着重元素痕迹者,大多也会有氢的痕迹。Among this group, most of those with traces of heavy elements also have traces of hydrogen.

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超新星大爆炸时,重元素飞向宇宙四周,最终形成类如地球的行星上的岩石。Heavy elements flung out into space by supernovae end up in the rocks of planets such as the Earth.

钡星对于重元素核合成及星系化学演化的研究都有非常重要的意义。It is very significant to Ba stars for heavy-element nucleosynthesis and Galactic chemical evolution.

这些由银河系众多恒星锻造出的重元素正是类地行星的构建模块。Forged by the Milky Way's abundant stars, such heavy elements are the building blocks of terrestrial planets.

佩提特金与史坎纳皮科正合作探讨类星体光谱中观测到的重元素群集现象。Petitjean and Scannapieco are working together on the clustering of heavy elements observed in quasar spectra.

如果物理学家可以创造出来的话,拥有184个中子和114个质子的超重元素应是相对稳定的。A superheavy element with 184 neutrons and 114 protons should be relatively stable, if physicists can create it.

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等到整个宇宙里都是重元素了,硬币的另一面又出了问题,这次恒星的寿命成了瓶颈。Once the universe is full of heavy elements, the tables turn and the mortal nature of stars becomes a limitation.

杜布纳的实验室是全世界少数几个能处理锎等放射性重元素的实验室之一。The Dubna laboratory is one of the few in the world able to handle radioactive heavy elements such as californium.

同时,星系也将含有重元素的气体排放到星系晕,甚至更远的星系际空间里。At the same time, the galaxy expels gas loaded with heavy elements into its halo and maybe even into intergalactic space.

银河中心的恒星都比较古老,富集金属元素,重元素的丰度很高。"Stars in the center of the Milky Way are old and 'metal-rich' with a high abundance of heavy elements, " Bobrowsky said.

尤其让科学家感兴趣的是少量的锂、碳、氮等较重元素。What particularly piques scientists' interest are the small amounts of heavier elements like lithium, carbon and nitrogen.

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原子核中带有许多正电荷的重元素更有可能携带强烈的自旋轨道耦合。Heavy elements have nuclei with large positive charges, which makes it more likely that they have strong spin-orbit coupling.

众多恒行最紧密地聚焦在银河系中心,因此它们创造出赋予生命的重元素在那里也最丰富。Stars congregate most tightly at the galaxy's center, so the life-giving heavy elements they create are most plentiful there.

对于更大的恒星,核心的压力大得足以使更重元素进行聚变反应,比如氧和碳元素,它们将创造更多的光子。In larger stars, pressure at the core is high enough to fuse heavier elements such as oxygen and carbon, creating more photons.