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如果是的话,就匹配它。If so, it matches it.

找相匹配的袜子。Look for matching sock.

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匹配,割,流10。匹配,割,流。Matchings, Cuts, and Flows.

画出某物与标识相匹配。Drow something to match the sign.

她的鞋和裙子颜色很匹配。Her shoes tone in with her skirt.

如果匹配,那么将执行相应的代码。If so, then the code is executed.

您甚至可以混合和匹配类型。You can even mix and match types.

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秋天匹配高清下载。Autumn matching high-res download.

如果匹配,则进行处理并返回值。If so, process and return the value.

草率匹配多后悔。Marry in haste and repent at leisure.

一座城市,需要一个与之匹配的名片。The city needs a matchable name card.

我们所见到的规律都与之相匹配。And the motion we see match with that.

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眼圈的色素与鼻镜匹配。Eye rim pigment should match the nose.

理论上讲,他们的收入应当匹配。In theory, their incomes should match.

如果没有找到匹配的元素,返回-1。Returns -1 if the object wasn't found.

改正模型中所有不匹配之处。Correct any mis-alignment in the model.

模式匹配这一章是新添的。The chapter on pattern matching is new.

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足以匹配我们良宵的金琥珀色藏酒。A golden amber lager to match our night.

换行永远都会匹配第一个规则。A newline always matches the first rule.

就这样,将只打印匹配部分。Voila, now only matches will be printed.