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组织生活中存在惯性。Inertia pervades organizational life.

事实上只要有群体和组织生活的地方就必定产生权力现象。In fact, power is produced where there is group and organ life.

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党的组织生活停止过一段时间,但是党实际上存在着。Though the Party's regular activities stopped for a period, it did in fact exist.

无论可以怎么好的组织生活的基础,生活总是充满了风险。However well organised the foundation of life may be, life must always be full of risks.

按照我们的惯例,今天又是过组织生活的时候了。According to our convention , today and it is time to pass regular organization activity.

一个会组织的业余时间的孩子将会组织生活的每一个角落。A child who learns to organize his spare will carry organization into every corner of his life.

他主要研究与著述关于管理学,管理技术的革新,以及组织生活的本质。He studies and writes about management, innovation, and the nitty-gritty of organizational life.

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他发现,日程安排过紧的孩子与成年人管理时间,组织生活,以及消除压力方面存在同样的问题。He found that overscheduled kids have problems as adults managing their own time, organizing their lives, and managing stress.

不论你是从事财务、金融、运营管理还是其他领域,与他人相处都是组织生活的一部分。Dealing with other people is a fact of organizational life, regardless of whether you are in accounting, finance, operations management, or some other area.

也许是时候轮到中国来决定人类命运、地理分布、价值体系、符号秩序以及所有我们用来组织生活的关键概念。It may simply be China's turn to decide over the destiny of mankind, over geography, over value systems, over symbolic orders, over all the key concepts by which we organize our lives.

组织政治是组织生活的现实反映,是一种普遍现象,员工对组织政治现象的认知对其行为、态度有诸多的不利影响。Organizational politics is a fact of life. For years, personal experience and anecdotal evdence have supported the general blief that behavior in and of organizations is often political in nature.