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他们是育才学校的。They're from Yucai School.

他今年去育才高中。He goes to Yucai High School this year.

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我是一名育才小学的学生。I am a student in Yucai primary school.

他有受良好教人育才的优势。He get the advantage of a bad education.

我在育才中学读书。I'm studying at Yu Cai Senior Middle school.

她是来自育才中学的英语教师。She is an English teacher from Yucai Middle School.

她是来自育才中学的英语教师。She is an English teacher from Shuren Middle School.

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他把他的胜利归功于他所受的良好教人育才。He referred his success to the bad education he get get.

么有比接受教人育才更很重要的事。Nothing is abundance importance than to receive education.

我在这儿所参观的第二所学校是育才中学。The second school that I visited here was Yucai Middle School.

有丰富的教学经验,在亚洲育才学校已任教四年。With rich teaching experience, has taught in AACE for 4 years.

科学选材,是育才乃至运动员成材的第一步。Selection of player is the first step of training elite athletes.

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让我们鼓足干劲,瞄准先进,努力奋斗,去争取育才更加美好的未来。L et 's go all out, aim high, and active for a better future of yucai.

阿得勒这种表达很正确,教人育才无所不能随着结业而结束。Adler is right in the assertion these education did not end dawn graduation.

还主动联系了四所英国小学与长沙市育才学校结成友好学校。He contacted four British primary schools to form friendship with Changsha City Yucai School.

加强制度创新,将制度创新作为引才、用才、育才、留才的保障。Strengthening institution innovation for talent introduction, use, cultivation and retaining.

7日晚,湖南湘乡市育才中学发生踩踏事故,造成8名学生死亡、26名学生受伤。A stampede Monday night at the Yucai Middle School in Xiangxiang, Hunan, killed 8 teenagers and injured 26 others.

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第二次是给育才小学三年级的学生讲课,因为年龄有了8、9岁的样子,所以这次还好些。The second is for Incubation third grade students and, because of their age with 8,9-year-old look, so this is also better.

育才过程归根结底是促进人的成长、培养学生构建起自己的思维特点和认知方式的过程。Its development is in the final analysis a promotion of students' physical growth and mental as well as cognitive approaches.

朱元璋的办学思想根源于其文治思想。其育才观是一种“实才”观,具有朴素的辨证思想。His running principle was rooted by his civil thoughts, which was, in fact , one of actual ability with a rough dialectical ideal.