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据说,她是一名城市丽人冠军。It was said she was a City Beauty champion.

李昂为丽人挑了一件红色洋装连衣裙。Leon for beauty picked out a red dress dress.

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但是丽人誓要和父亲的公司竞争。But beauty oath to compete with his fathers company.

小木问丽人是否生病了,丽人说可能是吧。Small wood asked whether beauty is sick, maybe beauty said.

丽人在家里,听到李昂回来赶紧躺到沙发装睡。Beauty in the home, hear Leon return to lie in the sofa bed.

成斌再次约见达子,想让达子帮忙劝说丽人回到博姿。Cheng again meet son, want to help persuade beauty back to the boots.

丽人收到喻威的花,要和喻威一起共赴晚餐。Receive YuWei flower beauty, want to have dinner together with YuWei.

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这天下午,小东郑重的警告了那位丽人。This world noon, small east formally of warning that beautiful person.

喻威向郝丽人求婚,郝丽人落寞地看着手上的戒指没有说话。YuWei propose to hao beauty, beauty of loneliness at hand ring didnt speak.

丽人让李昂倒水,天娜趁机问丽人有没有什么想给喻威说的。Beauty let Leon water, Tina the chance to ask beauty what want to YuWei said.

李昂说自己作为丽人的男友,丽人出去怎么可以不告诉自己。Leon said he as her boyfriend of beauty, beauty, how can not tell myself out.

李昂生日快到了,郝丽人用心准备给李昂的礼物。Leons birthday is coming soon, hao beauty attentively to prepare gifts for Leon.

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郝亚军得知真相,探望李昂,责怪喻威不保护郝丽人。Hao Yajun learned that truth, visiting Leon, blame YuWei dont protect hao beauty.

高丽人的脾气就像他们心爱的国家酸菜-泡菜一样火暴。Korean tempers are as hot as their beloved national pickled cabbage dish, kimchi.

李母和丽人交谈,小木躲在一旁玩耍时看见李昂离去的身影。Lee mother talk with beauty, small wood hiding in the side see Leon playing away.

大毛被丽人的姑姑职责办事不利,心情郁闷去找李昂诉苦。Heavy hair be bungled beautys aunt duties, the mood depressed complaining to Leon.

如果“美国丽人”有瑕疵的话,也就是故事结构上的问题。If there's a weakness in American Beauty, it's in the way the story is structured.

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这只名为“丽人”的秃鹰装了一个几乎能以假乱真的义喙。This bald eagle named Beauty was fitted with a remarkably life-like prosthetic beak.

那么,今天开幕式的现场我们也很高兴的请来了“星源”丽人坊美容院的院长…Today, we are so glad to have the director of the Star Source Beauty Salon, Ms. XXX.

李昂十分尴尬,丽人的高跟鞋卡在了镂空的地板上,差点摔倒。Leon embarrassed, beauty heels card on the floor of the hollow out, almost fell down.