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这会是一个大的转折点。It will be a huge change.

这,便是一切的转折点。That was the turning point.

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这是一个重大的转折点。This is a major turning point.

这对于她来说是个转折点。This was a turning point for her.

能否成为美国市场转折点?An Inflection Point in the US Market?

真正的人生转折点可能要普通得多。The real milestones are less prepossessing.

我生活的转折点是那个9月11日。The turning point for me was September 11th.

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阿齐齐亚兵营的失守是一个转折点。Top of the barracks, fell is a turning point.

那才是我人生的真正转折点,I needed to do theater for the rest of my life

这是本岛历史的转折点。This is a turning point in our island history.

我们此时在伦敦的会晤正值一个转折点。Well, we meet now in London at a turning point.

这可以说是历史上最大的转折点之一。It is one of the biggest turnarounds in history.

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这是这一进展中的转折点。This was a kind of turning point in the movement.

谁知这场比赛却成了鲁尼的一个转折点。However, it was also the turning point for Rooney.

同样地,这也是爱尔兰旅的转折点。It was also the turning point for the Irish Brigade.

那次会见是她一生的转折点。The meeting proved to be a turning-point in her life.

其实际效果将会是人生的一种真正转折点。The effect can be, quite literally, life-transforming.

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但是投资者认为每间可用客房平均收益的转折点已经靠近。But investors see the RevPAR turning point approaching.

可以认为那是西班牙足球的转折点吗?Was that something of a watershed for Spanish football?

但是最后,经济会到达一个转折点。But eventually, the economy would reach a turning-point.