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我动身回国。I departed to my own country.

他什么动身到伦敦去的?When did he leave for London?

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早动身,易从容,早开始,早成功。Early start makes easy stages.

她什么时候动身到伦敦去的?When did she leave for London?

我们明天一早必须动身。We have to get off early tomorrow.

他坚持要我们马上动身。He insists leting us leave at once.

他动身去寻找他的未来。He went forth and seek his fortune.

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我算他今天该动身了。I suppose he'll have started today.

他们动身出去观光旅行。They set out on a sightseeing tour.

两个漂流者动身往看世界。Two drifters, off to see the world.

只要天一放晴,我们就动身。If only it clears up, we'll set off.

她依旧没有任何要动身的迹象。She still showed no signs of moving.

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穿靴猫动身踏上他的旅程。Puss-in-Boots set off on his journey.

戴安娜明天将动身去伦敦。Dianna is leaving for London tomorrow.

这消息使我想立刻动身。The news inclines me to start at once.

好,一言为定。你说什么时候动身吧。All right—it's a whiz. When do you say?

早饭后我们立即动身了。We got off immediately after breakfast.

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苔丝拿起书,她母亲也就动身了。Tess took it up, and her mother started.

天刚亮我们就动身去旅行。When day dawned, we started our journey.

稍后,我们回到丰塔纳村准备动身。We returned to Fontana Village to prepare.