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不要麻痹大意。Don't slacken your vigilance.

一看二慢三通过,麻痹大意闯大祸。A look at the two slow three through a catastrophe, careless.

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不能因为没发生什么问题就麻痹大意起来。We can't get unwary just because nothing unusual has cropped up.

有太多的麻痹大意和二流管道。There's just a lot of ignorance and second-rate piping out there.

家庭火灾的主要原因是麻痹大意,没有及时采取预防措施。Home fires are the main reason for negligent not to take timely preventive measures.

它意识到之所以失败,就是因为自己太自信、麻痹大意、漫不经心。He realized that he'd lost the race only because he had been overconfident, careless and relax.

但是如果处理得不适当,或者失去警觉,麻痹大意,也可能发生对抗。But if they are not handled properly, or if we relax our vigilance and lower our guard, antagonism may arise.

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但是如果处理得不适当,或者失去警觉,麻痹大意,也可能发生对抗。However, if such contradictions cannot be handled properly, or if we relax our vigilance and lower our guard, antagonism may arise.

最终,整个工业体系内大量的不安全行为是由于在思想上对已经熟知和固定的安全工作行为的麻痹大意。Finally, within the industry too many unsafe acts are committed due to intentional disregard for a known and established safe work practice.

如果你这样做,你的论文可能会缺乏应有的丰富信息和平衡,而且,你有可能会麻痹大意,去剽窃原材料。If you do, your paper may be less well-informed and balanced that it should be, and moreover you may be lulled into plagiarizing the source.

底特律三大汽车制造商巨头的困境受到了最广泛的关注,这是因为多年的麻痹大意已经令这些公司变得不堪一击。The woes of Detroit’s Big Three carmakers have received most attention because of the toxic cocktail of factors that has made them especially vulnerable.

其实我们谁也不忍心看到这一幕,毕竟这些鲜活的生命是因无知或麻痹大意而遭受灾难。Frankly speaking, none of us would have the heart to witness this catastrophe, since these loving kids suffered only because of their ignorance or negligence.

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我不妨猜想,现代人除了自身之外并没有其他天然的掠夺者,还拥有一切玩具、精神构建和舒适房间,相对而言容易麻痹大意,受到偷袭。I would guess that modern humans, with no natural predators but themselves, and with all their toys and mental constructs and cosy rooms, are relatively easy to creep up on.

即使出门片刻,也一定要注意随手关好门窗,不要因为怕麻烦,麻痹大意,将门虚掩,窗户大开,让不法分子有机可乘,顺手牵羊。Develop the habit of closing doors and windows, even when going out for a moment. Don not let the doors and windows open for convenience. Criminals will take the advantage and pick up on the sly.