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超多奖项,让玩家欲罢不能!Super multi-award, allowing the player unable to stop!

深爱是种让人欲罢不能的习惯。Love is kind of let people try to stop but cannot habit.

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而因着欲罢不能,也导致了其他问题,有如负债等。And uncontrolled playing can lead to other problems like debt.

她肯定知道如何将一个无聊的话题变得趣味盎然,欲罢不能。She probably knows how to turn a boring subject into a fascinating one.

香辣鸡翅让大部分的人吮指回味乐无穷、欲罢不能。Buffalo wings leave most people licking their fingers and begging for more.

当然,旋律具有引人入胜的感觉,扣人心弦,令人欲罢不能。And of course, a sense of melodic seduction that grabs on and can't be shaken.

非常喜欢这本书。这本书让你欲罢不能,我迫不及待地想去读续集。I loved this book. It was a real page turner. I cannot wait to read the sequal.

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好的故事往往有好的开头。用150字起个头,让我们欲罢不能。A good story starts with a good beginning. Get us hooked in the first 150 words.

野性与柔美兼具一身,让你在一眼就欲罢不能。It combines wildness and gentleness so that you are unable to reject it at a glance.

卑微,贪婪,渴望,挣扎,欲罢不能的疯狂,她是他的全部意义。Lowliness, greed, lust, struggle, uncontrollable insanity, she was the whole point of him.

我每隔一天做一个小时的健身操.告诉你吧.健身让人欲罢不能.我感觉自己像换了个人.I do an hour of aerobics every other day.I tell you, it is addicting!I feel like a new man!

我确信自己真的对该功能欲罢不能,这个主意简直别出心裁。I must convince that I’m really addicted to this feature, and the idea is simply ingenious.

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伊迪丝泰勒并不恨卡尔。也许因为她对卡尔的爱已经历时太久,有欲罢不能之势。Edith taylor did not hate karl. perhaps she had loved him so long that she was unable to stop.

最后,用一位瞄准特定群体以便齐头并进的游戏“参与者”的话来说,“我们欲罢不能。”In the words of one focus-group participant we "just don't know when to stop and draw the line."

是的,我每隔一天做一个小时的健身操。告诉你吧,健身让人欲罢不能。我看起来像换了个人似的。Yeah, and I do an hour of aerobics every other day. I'll tell you, it's addictive. I feel like a new man.

麦帕斯通医生告诉CNN,对于填字游戏,你总是随时可以放得下来,但游戏刺激人们竞争,使人们欲罢不能。"You can always put down a crossword puzzle, but games stimulate competitiveness and pull people in, " he told CNN.

他的书让人欲罢不能,读他的书不仅能,在文学批判方面有所收获。He's a page-turner, and his extraordinary brilliance as a critic is really just part of the experience of reading him.

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这是一个带给你不可思议、让你流连忘返欲罢不能,通体清凉体验的节日盛会!It is a big festival party which brings kind of subverts refreshing cool experience, so that attract you again and again.

这种面包+肉+沙拉的组合让人欲罢不能,以至于整个国家都不惜以破坏其生态系统为代价而饲养更多的牛。The bread-meat-salad combination is so good that entire countries have ravaged their eco-systems just to produce more cows.

但是,只有当你肯定这种吸引力,这种欲罢不能,这种排山倒海式的热爱是真实的,那有什么理由不继续下去呢?But only if you know for sure that that magnetic, uncontainable, pandemonium was real love, is there a reason to keep going.