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放飞想象。Just imagine.

你能够想象在22岁的时候就自己当老板并且财政独立么?Could you imagine?

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想象一个陀螺的上部。Think of a spinning top.

想象下我们可以做什么。Imagine what we could do.

想象你穿着它。Imagine yourself in that.

我们可以想象一下We'll figure this all out.

你的想象可能一片空白。You probably draw a blank.

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我想象自己和她开着玩笑。I imagined joking with her.

我可以想象到独角兽No. I can imagine unicorns.

把它想象成一个黑盒子。Think of it as a black box.

保持神秘感呗,给的越少,留给想象的空间就越大。Be mysterious. Less is more.

我想你能想象到这个画面。I think you get the picture.

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你可以想象的对不对?It was computing the arctan.

这样的念头真叫我难以想象!My mind boggles at the idea!

肯定比我想象的要好。Better than I would, I think.

这怎么能是想象吗?How could this be envisioned?

想象一张黄色的笑脸。Imagine a yellow smiley face.

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想象插入录像带。Imagine plugging in the tape.

将自己想象成一名医生。Imagine that you're a doctor.

学习不能凭空想象。Studing can't be imagination.